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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I wish there were a way, but it's not possible Should I add an option to not load any of the webdata and resort to osbot's default webwalker, it will improve script load times. Announcement: new update is now live, working on another new update for master/worker mode, stay tuned guys
  2. Re-authed trial - good luck guys Script can be purchased via the minigames section on the OSBot scripts store, I gave you a trial to test out before you buy
  3. Sand crabs are oversaturated now unfortunately, you need a lot of babysitting and legit playing to counter/offset the botting that you do there
  4. Will make some changes to master/worker mode asap, I too noticed it withdraws all, which isn't ideal for every situation. As for selecting what to give to the master account, will try add a system in place, if anything I will just add a custom box so users can add items individually. EDIT: Will add a failsafe for trading when busy, thanks, really appreciate the detailed feedback usually I get vague responses, so this should be a quick update.
  5. New Update (v102) - Fixed experimental code bug, now all altars work again, no more stuck on calculating - Added a few improvements to combination runes - Added changes to lunar isle and moonclan teleport - Added changes to lava runes - Run button is no longer spam clicked Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, thanks guys ^^
  6. Update v238.2 is now live, let me know if you guys are still experiencing any problems, I will help ASAP.
  7. I highly recommend botting less hours and more breaks. You got really lucky with that 2 day ban, you could've got a permanent ban completely. Avoid using free scripts, try botting on quested/accounts with history and use breaks, should be fine. And avoid botting on multiple accounts at once. If you used a free/bad/broken script instead, you would've definitely got a perm ban straight away.
  8. Czar

    cant download

    Make sure Java SE is installed, then associate .jar files with java, so right click osbot.jar and open it with a different program.. -> java and it should work ^^
  9. Script is under maintenance for a month, so it has 9 days left until it goes back on store. Will activate auth good luck EDIT: Apologies guys, I pushed the dev version of the script by mistake, I will re-push the new update so everything works. Latest version will be v238.2
  10. Cooking plugin still hasn't been added, it's coded but I need a real test run before I push it to SDN, shouldn't take too long hopefully later today I can get it prep'ed. ^^
  11. Hmm, turn off drop others, that is not needed when dropping all. Will run some more tests and add an update asap
  12. Yep will be doing more improvements, more updates coming ^^
  13. Both safe spotting and looting are working for me, are you sure you set up the client and script correctly? If using mirror, try not to use any other client aside from default osrs launcher. Do not hook clients while logged in*. If not using mirror, then confirm which setup you are using. Food - which food? Also did you set a custom HP to eat at? @BitcoinBobby thanks, will be testing barbs ASAP, really appreciate detailed bug report. Activated trials good luck guys, let me know how it goes I am constantly adding updates, just make sure to post a detailed feedback.
  14. Update just went live, can you try again, should be better now Let me know if you still want any more changes, I will add more updates ASAP
  15. Well first you gotta determine how would the script know when you woodcutted? One way would be to read in-game messages e.g. 'you chopped the tree and got some logs' or w/e it is, then add on to a simple int, e.g. treesChopped++; So you would implement something like // declare this outside of a method private int treesChopped; // add this if you don't already have it, on your main script class public void onMessage(Message m) { if (m.getMessage().contains("got some logs")) { treesChopped++; } } Of course it is basic (no null-checks, doesn't check if messages are from a player or the game) and isn't the correct message (I forget the exact message) so you gotta edit the message and it should be fine. But the idea is there.
  16. 9 days left until the script is back on store. I will give you an extended auth for 1 week to try out the script. Just waiting on the update to go live for safespotting
  17. Rune pouch is not supported unfortunately, it will be added very soon As for mind talisman, it is highly recommended to use a tiara instead of a talisman. I will check out talismans again, update coming up. Ourania teleport - you need to disable magic spell filtering by right clicking the magic tab, it will work. As for airs, any reason it stopped, did you check the console log for any errors? Perhaps out of rune essence? Same with lavas. Mirror mode? As for moonclan teleport, try disabling spell filters, aside from that I will check out astrals and provide an update accordingly ASAP. Also please screenshot exact script settings so I can debug the script with the same settings. Will be doing a few more test runs and add another update shortly, thanks guys EDIT: Found a few areas to improve on/repair, will be posting update shortly.
  18. Hang on guys, almost done with the update. Gotta get it 100% right. Stay tuned EDIT: Should only drop other fish if you are banking, please confirm. Got some nice ideas and suggestions, will be adding a script update after this hotfix update. So, just posted an update for dropping system, works much faster and more stable now. I will work on the actual script feature update now, good luck guys
  19. Glad to hear, just posted another small update just in case, it was a fail-safe for the teleports if using GE mode. Activated trials good luck guys Also, hope you guys prepared your farms, weekend botting ftw
  20. Czar


    Activated trials good luck guys Best item - I haven't checked but I think it is break-even with rune arrows which is probably the best thing, otherwise the javelin do not sell and the other items are low demand too. Please post some results guys, would really appreciate it, thanks for all the support and feedback
  21. Some great suggestions there, especially with the breaks thing. Will be adding some more updates, thanks As for attacking npcs really far away, is the script attacking far away while a closer npc already exists? Are you sure it is attacking the farthest npc, the script is programmed to ignore any rules about npc (regarding how far they are, how much health they have, etc.) just to avoid that idle penalty at all costs. I am going to need some context here, also if you can copy/paste any console logs or provide exact script setup options enabled, so I can run some more test and add updates accordingly Thanks guys, stay tuned for the next update
  22. Speed can easily be changed, what are you fletching? Just tested mith darts, they work - but if you want faster speed you need to lower reaction timer to 50ms if you are using mirror mode.
  23. Those logs are the wrong ones, you need to open the console log in the osbot client, then copy and paste. Those logs are from actual java crashes, are you using mirror client? Confirm ^^ Safespotting - fixed. Breaks - fixed, lemme know if it improves. Added a feature to avoid dead-locking the event. Strength potions - you are not setting up potions correctly, make sure you do. If you have a low str level, consider overriding the level to sip potions at in the misc tab. Pushed an update for v238.1, should go live within a few hours max. That was just a small update, the main update will be pushed ASAP, enjoy
  24. Done good luck on trials, post some results
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