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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Good luck guys, the script should appear in the osbot client script browser now, just hit refresh scripts and it will appear ^^
  2. Done good luck guys If using mirror make and you value speed/efficiency, don't forget to lower the reaction timer a little
  3. I will see what I can do ^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Let me know as soon as you get membership I will give you a trial so you can try it out, hopefully you will enjoy ^^
  5. Will activate all trials in a sec, good luck guys ^^
  6. Will check it out ASAP. How long have you ran the script and did it at least loot 1 bird nest? Please confirm. also, how is the webwalking - did you see any improvements or not? Please tell me if its working better than the last version or if there are any errors.
  7. I am super close to the requirements, once I get there I will add flawless support for amethyst mining, apologies for the wait
  8. getWalking().webWalk(Banks.LUMBRIDGE); returns an error, Banks.LUMBRIDGE is a 'Bank' type, webwalk only accepts 'Area' or 'Position' parameter, unless you did Banks.LUMBRIDGE_UPPER or something? In any case try using the event public void longwalk(Area target) { WebWalkEvent event = new WebWalkEvent(target); execute(event); }
  9. Pretty low, haven't had any ban reports recently, even with daily script purchases. In any case botting isn't like it used to be, so always take care when botting ^^
  10. Got it thanks bud Expect another update within a few hours
  11. With mobile, a lot of people who quit have returned to the game, and they are here to stay, the user count is almost reaching RS3's As for graphics, how do you explain chess then? Checkmate
  12. Honestly you got lucky with that 2 day ban, other users in your position would've gotten a perm. I would say don't bot on it. Now you just gotta backtrack and see what mistake led you to the ban, was it excessive botting, multiple bots running same time etc etc
  13. Made a few silent updates with no version changes, you should notice a few things improve. More details soon! If you noticed any changes/improvements, let me know Activated trials good luck guys
  14. Well I am planning on converting my crafting script's GE to this script's GE system, it is much newer and stable as opposed to the fletcher's experimental GE - should be epic
  15. To be fair, just to clarify to my current users: if I ever do a vip/free script it will not have all the features of this script, it will have much less, so you didn't make a bad move when buying this script. I was thinking maybe a basic abyss handler, and/or a basic lavas only runecrafter for VIP. In any case it all depends how the maintenance goes, maybe I will open up the script back to store if I start resorting to private scripts for extra script features, e.g. if a user wants a specialized unique feature instead of saying yes and adding it to the main script I will write them a private script instead, everyone wins ^^ What particular feature are you interested in, is it the master/worker feature? It is a very popular one indeed In the meantime I am still working on adding ornate/other regeneration pools to the script when in POH, apologies for the delay guys, the stat reqs are a bit high
  16. Okay restart scripts, it should work (if webwalker is loading successfully) Will also be adding 2 more emergency fail-safes: my webwalker will be supported for all ISPs (same for item definitions list too), and if my webwalker fails, it will try osbot's webwalker as a last-resort, which means there is a low chance of fail after all those attempts. EDIT: Posted update v59, should go live within a few hours automatically. This version contains the most stable walker ever, try it and you'll see
  17. Hmm did you try downloading Java JRE runtime or whatever it's called? "Java SE runtime download" in google may do the trick
  18. Right now GE mode is still experimental, only works with running out of supplies and buying more, in any case I will activate a trial so you can try it out
  19. Mule system not supported sorry The price of the script is too low to have special features like muling/automated goldfarming. Maybe in the future, not sure yet, I will see what I can do ^^
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