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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Ah man which areas did you bot, hopefully not in a popular botting location? Also did you use any breaks? You got super lucky with that 2 day ban, most people get perm'd
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    The update is now live, it shouldn't be slow anymore with stalls, can you restart the client and confirm how it works for you please ^^ If still no good, I will just revert my last update before I changed the stall speed so it goes back to normal As for bank pin, glad to hear it works, I knew bank pins were clientside since scripts don't have access to those types of information As for master farmers, there is a customizable drop table, activated trial. I am working on saving/loading script settings as we speak.
  3. Will check out dragonstone bolt tips on runite bolts ASAP.
  4. Done good luck guys Working on tan leather update.
  5. There are many logical errors, go over each line and make sure they make sense. I highly recommend using { } properly, otherwise it will be super confusing, the entire 'if (Tree != null) is a one line if statement extending 50 lines, also format the code it should be more readable, which software are you using for coding? Split up the logic into two, so you have player_woodcutting, and player_banking: The woodcutting part isn't done, you gotta do that yourself: @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (getInventory().isFull()) { /* * If inventory full, go bank */ if (!Banks.VARROCK_WEST.contains(myPlayer())) { getWalking().webWalk(Banks.VARROCK_EAST); } else { if (!getBank().isOpen()) { getBank().open(); return 1; } if (getBank().depositAllExcept("Bronze axe", "Iron axe", "Steel axe", "Black axe", "Mithril axe", "Adamant axe", "Rune axe", "Dragon axe")) { log("Deposited everything except axe"); } } } else { /* * Inventory not full yet, keep woodcutting. */ RS2Object treeObject = getObjects().closest(a -> a.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Tree")); if (treeObject != null) { if (treeObject.interact("Chop-down")) { log("Clicked chop!"); } } } return 0; }
  6. Balloon method is supported, but only for laws, how will it work for mud runes? Please elaborate, I will see what I can do ^^ Okay please post the error from console log, or a detailed bug report on how to make the error happen, I will help and add an update immediately. I haven't made any changes to the master/worker system in more than a month, are you sure it isn't clientsided? Will a client restart or a re-log solve it? Please confirm, I will run a few tests in the meantime
  7. Done activated trials good luck guys
  8. Does a re-log solve this? It may be an issue with client, or maybe you hooked clients incorrectly? Stay logged out while hooking the clients and then before running a script, let the client load for a few mins, open a few tabs/walk around and it should be more stable.
  9. Remember to post on the memes channel
  10. Done activated trials good luck guys Recently added a new update to this script too
  11. You need to click a rock manually with your mouse, to select it, once it turns green, you have selected that rock and will be mining it. In any case, I will be adding a hotkey shortcut to allow the user to toggle 'Choose a rock' mode by clicking F5 or something Here is a quick GIF of how it works: (ignore stateCHOP, it was first version of the script) EDIT: However, depending on the rock, you can only click it if there is actually ore in the rock. And if the rock is a newer rock (perhaps a new zeah rock node or something) please confirm, that specific rock may not be supported just yet but I can easily add it. Please confirm which mining rock/location, if you can, I will help
  12. Activated trials good luck guys
  13. Posted some more smaller updates, should go live ASAP. After extensive testing, I cannot re-produce your bug. The script is attacking fine, not getting out of combat whatsoever, nor is it logging out. @noobacc23 Please copy/paste any console logs or provide the exact script settings so I can run the script the exact same way you did, debug, and help you out. Other than that, I am running the script and it is working 100% fine no idling or afking for me. My best guesses are: - using breaks with mirror client, not fully stable - you are world hopping maybe, and the script is getting stuck? - memory usage too high for your machine and the client is failing to detect any npcs - you have hooked mirror client incorrectly, make sure to NEVER hook while logged in, let the client load properly, login manually, open interfaces/walk around to load better, then run script Guys if you ever have a problem, you need to copy/paste the error logs at the very minimum. I really need you to co-operate if you have any troubles/errors/bugs, I am running the script and it is not afking/idling whatsoever.
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Fixed, just pushed update v184 sorry guys, stalls should be updated to reflect the actual slider now. Update will go live within a few hours max, just waiting on update to get processed
  15. The script does automatically update, but a script restart is required. I will let you know as soon as I post the new anti-pattern update, I gotta make sure it's perfect. You will notice a lot of differences - and the good thing about script behavioral changes/updates is that it is like running a freshly made script from the beginning, which means the ban rates will change.
  16. Done good luck on trials guys
  17. Done activated trials good luck guys
  18. Not yet, will be adding an option for plank make as soon as I can ^^ Expect another update soon
  19. Czar

    Stealth NMZ

    Gratz on release, some fierce competition arising Early stages of Stealth NMZ GUI:
  20. Hmm I assume mirror client? Could be a problem. I will see what I can do, another update coming up ^^
  21. Czar


    Tickets are not supported, was just an experiment. Will remove it from the setup window, apologies guys. It doesn’t take long to buy items anyway
  22. Hmm is the script finding any suitable npcs to fight? What's your setup window like? Screenshot so I can see your exact settings, I will debug and help ASAP ^^ As for cpu usage, hmm have you tried hiding the paint using F2 key, also, make sure to turn off low cpu usage mode on osbot client settings, it is no good
  23. Posted new update (v10), tanning now works again Update will automatically go live within a few hours, good luck guys
  24. It may not be relevant but it's worth checking if you have 32 bit or 64 bit java SE, please confirm
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