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Everything posted by Czar

  1. The script has been removed from the OSBot store as per my request, I am still maintaining it I am just choosing not to sell the script any longer - this script is incredibly complex and users always ask for special/custom methods which I completely understand, but it is not worth all the effort. I am thinking of an alternative way to handle runecrafting scripts, perhaps separate free/VIP scripts in the very near future.
  2. Done activated trials good luck guys Just a quick reminder I am still working on the new update featuring user replies in the last page
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    How do you mean, I don't quite understand - is this in relation to blackjack or normal pickpocketing? Give me a use case/example or a way to test this I will add an update ASAP ^^
  4. Will check it out ASAP, should be a hotfix ^^
  5. Absolute madlad, noice
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trials good luck guys Post some results!
  7. Okay so you mean like, luring the npc to a safespot each time? I need to know how it works, and if I can produce a stable version, I will add it immediately to the main script ^^
  8. Done, pushed a small update v106.1, it is a bugfix for quest cape teleport, the script will now make sure to close the bank before attempting to teleport Update will automatically go live within 24 hours
  9. I will check this out, either it thinks it's pay-dirt, a gem, or the hammer. Can you confirm any console logs? It should say exactly what the script was trying to do, I will make it avoid dropping ore randomly ^^
  10. Make sure to enable shift click in-game and it will use it to drop ore ^^ Activated trials good luck guys
  11. Make sure you have 32 bit java and make sure you are using the default OSRS client launcher, it should work. Also, mac/windows/linux? Any hs_err_pid files being generated? Are you able to check the logger before it crashes?
  12. Okay I hadn’t realized it only had a single tree, I just mapped it from the map editor. I will do some updates immediately.
  13. Yep, activated a demo 24 hour good luck
  14. Activated trial good luck
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    This script is pay once, enjoy forever No monthly or any of that crap I will activate a trial so you can test the script out. Good luck
  16. I was a bit worried on doing that, I guess I will combine them, I thought that I would get complaints from users, but if I do I will change it up according to everyone's feedback anyway ^^ Another update coming up
  17. Will fix this ASAP, within half hour I will be posting a new update EDIT: Done, posted update v9, Port phasmatys coordinates updated, should be working fine over there. Now we just wait until the update goes live on SDN, shouldn't take too long, a few hours max The paint will say v9.0 when it goes live
  18. Activated trials good luck guys, double trial time since there is a big update coming
  19. Haven't heard of blacklist, I am currently looking for a new show to watch after GoT finishes this season
  20. Will be posting a small update to fix two devastating bugs: New Update (v117) - Added support for unreachable/gated mining areas (should fix the edgeville dungeon bug too) - Essence click areas fixed, should no longer get stuck trying to exit the mines Update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck guys Next update will feature an improved mode for mining (sequencing + tracking ores) and a few inventory changes/options, you guys are going to enjoy it
  21. I highly doubt it was from this script, you must have been delay banned from using previous scripts otherwise maybe you did something silly and botted the most overpopulated/high ban-rate areas. We have progress reports much longer than 3 hours yet still no bans. In any case please check out the avoiding botting bans guide by ex-client developer, it is super useful in avoiding bans - if you bot correctly you can get some amazing stats IMHO. I will link the thread below, also if you need to rebuild I will help and activate a few temporary scripts so you can get your stats up ^^ also was it a perm ban or 2 day ban? It may have just been a ban wave.
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