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Everything posted by Czar

  1. They changed kourend castle again so I need to update it accordingly, will add another update too. Also found a way to improve speed for censored ip’s (russia turkey china and a few other countries) in terms of loading item/npc definitions, will be pushing another update ASAP ^^
  2. Well the loop (onLoop) is the script’s refresh rate, so if you return 1 it will refresh every 1ms, which is 1/600th of a game tick, you can change it to any value. Now, if you are talking about having a separate tracker purely to check health, you need to make use of Threading, in which I can explain how.
  3. Well I can easily add an option to make it faster, but I would highly recommend slow over fast for anti-ban, faster/robotic bots just get caught easily. I can maybe add a slider option for speed, so users can choose what they want specifically ^^ As for vein choosing, I will change the algorithm for searching new ores, and make it optional just in case anyone still wants to use the current version ^^ Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it Next update coming up
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Just posted a new update, blackjacking will receive noted food update, please use jug of wines as food for now, until the new update goes live. Also disclaimer: blackjack is experimental/beta and not part of the official script, please do not buy the script solely for blackjacking. Yes please hide the npc attack option for all thieving modes, it is super helpful Rogues outfit - currently working on this @Stephen Grennell how is your setup like, are you banking when no food, using dodgy necklaces, or using a full inventory when banking? Please confirm I think I fixed this but I am curious to know if this still happens. Activated all trials good luck guys
  5. Client is now updated so it should work now ^^ Unless you still have errors, if so, what are the errors post them here we can help
  6. Yes but you must bring noted, also you need to enable the appropriate option for the worker, so lava runes and rod method ^^ And to trigger the worker to give you the runes, you need to give the worker a noted binding necklace in trade, and they will give un-noted.
  7. New Update (v123) - Added a new update for the Item API - Removed errors for the latest dev build of the client Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys ^^ Trials - activated good luck Welcome back @Gnomedesto Tick manipulation - currently working on it ^^
  8. "Fixed issue with the root widget not loading." Please please elaborate, so curious to what changed, we would all love to know ^^
  9. Yep currently aware of Fossil Island teaks, almost done with the new update, took a few days to get the teak trees to grow there via farming, will be pushing an update ASAP ^^ As for trials, activated good luck guys, beware: there is a pending update for fossil island teaks (farmed trees)
  10. Yes karambwans is high priority right now ^^ As for trials, activated good luck guys A lot of new features are coming up
  11. Goblins and error, will check that out asap. Whats your setup like? Please screenshot so I can debug more accurately Herb sack - finally got it on my main, will be doing an update for this asap Magic update - I forgot to mention I made the script stay in magic tab too, my apologies have you had the chance to try non autocasting magic? If so is it better or worse? Please confirm trials - activated good luck guys ^^
  12. Czar


    It should work with breaks, are you using mirror client? Make sure to hook while logged out, so don't login until both clients are fully hooked and loaded, then login manually, and then start the script, should be the best and most stable setup. In any case I will investigate what is happening to breaks, it could either be a breaks issue or a mirror client issue. If not using mirror client then please ignore.
  13. Hmm it will only attack npcs if low on idle points, in any case I will do some more updates. Thank you for all the feedback and detailed reports + logger, really appreciate it, helps with faster updates
  14. It may not be detecting the new veins in time, have you made sure to lower the reaction timer from the default 1000ms to 50-100ms? (Shift + F3/F4 keys)? In any case, I will run some more tests
  15. Make sure you have earth talisman, you need it for lavas. Please confirm if you already have it, you may need 2 if you have pouches. Also don't forget the binding necklace. Let me know how it goes ^^ As for Magic Imbue, I will take another look at the code and see what's happening, stay tuned for a new update Also have you made sure to set the game resolution to classic/non-resized mode? Also disabled spell filtering by right clicking the magic tab? Please confirm As for trials, good luck guys As for bans, so far haven't ever seen a ban from master/worker (legit playing on the master, and botting the workers) although I highly recommend not botting on the same IP (master and workers need different IP just for extra precaution)
  16. Activated trials good luck guys Recently added amethyst mining, seems to be working fine so far
  17. @MillSup @BiscuitMan Have you guys enabled any of these options 'loot my kills only', 'wait for loot', 'loot while in combat'? Please confirm, I will run a few tests with these combinations and report back, with an update following thereafter Also, will take a look at the high alch thing. Thanks guys Activated trials good luck guys ^^ Also forgot to mention: Just posted a new update for webwalking, item definitions, Nechyraels (now supports death spawns fully!), cannons and not running away, b2p update and a few other misc updates. Will be posting a bigger update very soon, just doing a final test run ^^
  18. Did you set max zoom (far away) on the worker so it can view all the objects/players on the minimap? Please confirm. Also can you screenshot your exact setup window options so I can debug the same and add an update? Activated trials good luck guys
  19. Well I will have to take a closer look at the trading and try to reproduce the bug in effort to send it to the devs ASAP so we can get it fixed. EDIT: Will be reviewing every possible variable that involves trading too.
  20. Nice, got a few users saying it helps with getting not detected too, don't forget to change the icon to match the OSRS launcher icon if you are heading that route ^^
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