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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Many skills/methods/quests/diaries are watched, make sure to bot carefully and choose the least popular skills/quests/diaries to bot. Blackjacking is experimental please do not buy the script for the blackjack feature, it is still a work in progress, however trials are available it will work good for you depending on your specific setup. Activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    @vardrom It looks like you are running the script from draynor, with 'auto-upgrade course' option enabled, and the bot is trying to walk to al-kharid. What is your agility level? Bear in mind the script will go to the highest course that your agility level supports. As for trials, activated, good luck guys
  3. This could be related to the fps, does it work better in Stealth injection or do you prefer not to test it there. If fps increases does the script work better? I usually run OSBot with at least 1.5GB of memory allocated to the client and experience no lag anymore, with better results from the bot too, no delays or hiccups. I will see what I can do in terms of optimizations, perhaps hiding the HUD will increase performance too (F2 key), other than that I will make some modifications to the code in the meantime.
  4. @Cbates1994 which exact tile are you running the bot at, I will help @DaMast3r Will make further modifications to the code, thanks for your support
  5. Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  6. @MillSup it is the osbot webwalker's speed, I will override it with my own faster webwalker, next update will have no delay after jumping wildy ditch @jcouri18 I am trying the script with NPC contact, magic imbue mode, lava (fire altar), small pouch and medium pouch enabled, rune pouch (with all npc contact runes inside) and the script is working 100% flawlessly. Can you please answer the questions regarding your bug so I can help you configure the script properly. Can you also please post a screenshot of inventory (when that bug occurs) and tell me which runes you have inside your rune pouch? My setup must be different to yours, I will test using your exact setup and make sure the script is working for you 100% ^^ Just remember, different script settings/options yield different results, I do not know how you are configuring so all I can do is give you advice on the best setup. EDIT: Just tested with medium + large pouch combination, still works. Never gets stuck or freezes. If I turn on npc contact, it will use the runes from the rune pouch to repair the pouches. If I turn off pouch repair, the script will continue on as normal, with a broken pouch too. No freezing whatsoever. Here is a quick GIF of the script working with a degraded pouch: (pouches have been previously filled) @Snowballfight I will run some tests at nature runes + store mode, it may require some updating since the latest OSRS game updates, will let you know how it goes
  7. Alright, rune pouch enabled too? Which runes have you placed there, cosmic, air, astral? That is what I tested with and it worked. In any case I will investigate further and make some changes. Also are you at castlewars bank with RoD enabled (lavas)? Also can you post a screenshot of the rs client when that is happening please, with inventory open.
  8. Did you make sure to use the latest client version (.59) located in the dev build section? It has a major improvement to the Banking API. Please confirm.
  9. It only drops if you have too much ore to fit in the hopper. Make sure you start with an empty hopper. Please confirm if this is not the case. As for waiting for struts, it is best to run in a world where the struts are repaired constantly by other players, in the meantime I will check if its actually waiting for repair or an ordinary delay for ~10-15 seconds as part of the antiban after placing ore. @feack add on discord I will make the script operate exactly how you want, I am sure other users will also benefit from this. This message also applies to any other users who wish to make changes to any behavioural aspect of the script; do not hesitate to contact me guys ^^
  10. Make sure to change both IPs and jagexcaches after a ban, then you will have greater success. Also don’t forget to check in-game chat from time to time, it helps a lot; if you miss chat and don’t reply it can be suspicious. Also stay away from popular training spots, not even the best/private bots are bulletproof in popular spots. As for cannon and slayer @Mad Jew will add an update to fix that for you, thank you for generous words too ^^ As for trials, will activate asap good luck guys
  11. This one should be resolved by reducing mirror mode's reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms, if not please confirm. I will do another test for this, it didn't seem slow for me, last update had more focus on restoring the script to previous version to increase stability (logic-wise). I will do another update solely regarding speed right now ^^ Stay tuned for next update, it will be faster.
  12. Desert support will be expanded in the upcoming versions, both sandstone mining and humidify included.
  13. Make sure to use client .59 and onwards, it has an improvement to banking system, enjoy As for cleaning counter, will make some tweaks and changes in the upcoming version ^^
  14. Gratz on Heron pet too As for dropping, if I add mistakes for it, people will complain that the dropper is messing up, if I make it perfect, people will say it's too perfect and it needs to make mistakes. I will be adding a whole new option for this so users can enable which ever style they wish, no more complaints ^^ As for mining vs fishing dropping, what aspect do you like from the miner, I can convert it easily Thanks guys, activated trials too. 3 tick barb fishing - I am seriously considering this, maybe a soft-beta for non-mirror mode due to mirror mode being more delayed than stealth (client-side).
  15. Does it not work if you encapsulate username inside "" ? so "Czar_czar"
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done good luck guys ^^
  17. This should be working better with the bank fixes in client update v59, can you confirm if it works better or not please. In the meantime I will run some more tests and make some tweaks to the edgeville code.
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Disclaimer: blackjacking is not part of the official script and it is only an experimental feature. But for better results in blackjack: for mirror, reduce the reaction timer from 1000ms to 100ms. Also for combat, make sure you hide the npc attack option, and make sure you are pickpocketing with a full inventory (jug of wine method works best).
  19. Will be updating degraded pouch + npc contact for lava runes, update coming up ^^ EDIT: New Update (v113) - Fixed pouch degrading system - Unified Pouch Repair system (NPC contact) -- All modes share the same, stable code now - Added a nice workaround for mirror client placeholder system -- Removed 'Misc placeholder' option in setup window - Added support for Rune Pouch rune detection -- Removed inputs for typing in the runes in your rune pouch -- NPC contact fully works with rune pouch now - Added a few air rune replacements for rune pouch (you can now add mist, smoke, dust instead) More updates to come, update will automatically go live within a few hours, good luck guys happy botting
  20. Hello, please download OSBot client .59 instead of .58. There is a new dev-build (.59) which works much better in terms of banking (client-side). Please confirm how well it works, I will help further if it still doesn't launch ^^
  21. Will make some tweaks and changes to that area in Sand crabs, thanks for the detailed bug report. Thanks guys, activated trials too - refresh scripts. Note: there is a pending update for the NW tile on sand crab isle.
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