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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hold up, so you got banned in 2018 for agility and decided to bot again, with an account that holds a history of botting ban? It is almost certain that you’ll get banned within a day, no matter which script. You already have gotten flagged. Change IP, jagexcache and fresh start IMHO.
  2. Script launch is updated, good luck on trials ^^
  3. New Update (v107) - Added option “Mine extra rockfalls” for anti-ban — “Mine extra rockfalls” no longer auto-enabled like the previous version (enable it for extra antiban) - Hopper is now selected from far away, if visible (no longer walks then clicks) - “Invisible ore” system introduced, bot now knows exactly how much ore is placed, super useful for decision-making AI — Now able to plan ahead and stick around if multi ore mode is enabled — No longer tries to continue mining while waiting for hopper to clean ore - Anti-idle system improved — Recognizes appropriate time to activate - If not repairing struts, and ore takes more than 30-45 seconds to clean, the bot will now hop worlds. - Mirror mode hop code removed - Stability improvement regarding breaks and re-logging This was a huge update in terms of code, so please let me know how it goes for you guys, I am ready to make more changes. In the meantime I am continuously running tests. Update is already live, happy botting
  4. More iron man focused scripts, more cooking preparation scripts such as making pizzas or tuna potato with cheese etc
  5. Can confirm that the script is back to normal again after the recent update, happy botting guys As for alching, will add a patch so it doesn't attempt to alch again, should be included in the next update @Triovani thank you for the kind words friend, also I haven't forgotten; I will try to get superior slayer monsters 100% flawless for you ASAP @returningnewbie can you post your banking/inventory loadout please so I can help Make sure that the bank has jewellery (if using any), and teleports are not in multiples (only amount set to 1) @Token thanks for the post, really appreciate your help, and many more thanks for getting the SDN problem resolved
  6. Activated all trials good luck guys Stun/alch/tele I would highly recommend against this, too click intensive and risky in general
  7. Make sure to lower the reaction timer since you are using mirror mode, you need to lower it from 1000ms to 50-100ms, you will notice the results immediately
  8. Czar


    Glad to hear you enjoyed it Not just yet, hopefully OSRS updates the store interface and modernizes it In the meantime I will get a new update released as soon as I can.
  9. Alright no worries I will make more changes ^^ EDIT: Update coming up very soon
  10. Script is now updated, launches perfectly well now, good luck guys ^^ Also just added a big update for smelting furnaces, cannonballs too. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys ^^ New Update (v28) - Furnaces code improved -- If object is visible but not clickable, the script will walk closer and re-attempt -- Ardy furnace now works perfectly -- Changed interaction code for clicking the furnace -- New behaviour results in a small boost in anti-ban Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys
  11. Script now launches normally again, good luck guys ^^ As for workers from tutorial island, if not botted and a few stats are gotten, I think they can go far in terms of botting. I can whip up a setup and do a few experimental runs to let you guys know how it goes? As for trials - activated good luck guys ^^
  12. @The Conjurer Hello I have posted a really nice update for Portal mode following your feedback, I have made sure to make it work much much better, especially to your style. If you really wish to get a refund, then please make a post in the refund section, it will be handled immediately by staff. Sorry to hear you did not enjoy. If you wish to try newer versions of the script please let me know so I can activate trial runs in the future Also guys, here's the update log for the newest version: New Update (v41) - Added a more aggressive anti-idle system -- Script will now stay in combat to achieve higher activity points -- No longer attacks npcs if repairing -- Script will finish off npc when attacking -- Patched bug for 'keep attacking npc and running away' -- No longer exits out of games due to low activity, will win every single game - If portals are completely blocked by brawlers, the script will target the brawlers first - Portal attacking speed increased, no more delays - Removed virtually all useless delays in Portal mode - Movement timer now replaced with Animation timer -- The script will now judge activity based on animating and attacking, instead of moving - Crafting skill is shown in HUD when repairing Update is already live, good luck guys Also, guys, important message: As for script not launching: Zach is currently updating the SDN to allow certain scripts to be launched again normally, it shouldn't take too long before everything goes back to normal again.
  13. You need to request a refund in the refund section of the forum, it will be handled by staff.
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Working on getting the bot launch back to normal.
  15. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Should be back to normal asap, bots should be runnable again. Also will activate trials too good luck guys ^^
  16. I am so sorry I will speed ahead with the rewriting of the script to support CLI mode, it will have profiles and singular commands as you stated. Same raising kittens, karambwan support and barb cooking.
  17. Going to go ahead and update monastery mode, will let you know as soon as it goes live. I will activate a temporary auth for the magic one until the update is ready ^^
  18. There is a problem in the sdn, some bots are not even launching. We are working on getting this back to normal ASAP. @killerownsu unless you were able to run the bot and it messed up somehow, lemme know what happened so I can update it
  19. I will make some edits to better suit your style of botting, however I don’t think any of you have received a ban yet, whereas it is very easy to shout “botlike”. I will make it so the bot doesn’t attempt to go back when placing ore, but that is actually humanlike, since it imitates forgetting ore. I already claimed I will be making almost everything optional, every aspect of the behaviour of the script. Since you guys are the experts here I will leave all the antiban to you, that’s fine for me. I already stated that this script operates like no other generic motherlode mine script, it is super easy to make the script do basic actions like stick around for the hopper etc. In any case, another round of updates coming up, stay tuned guys ^^
  20. Some scripts are not launching I will be getting it back to normal as soon as I can. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  21. We are gunna get this back to normal again, just trying to see why some are not loading.
  22. Will make further improvements to speed it up, thanks guys
  23. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes they have been updated as of v193.1, how is it working for you, lemme know if I should make any improvements ^^ @Shmeekz welcome back! Good luck
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