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Everything posted by Czar

  1. You need to enable shift-dropping in-game, located in the settings tab of RS. Please make sure you have shift drop enabled so the script can drop ore quicker and more humanlike than before. Nowadays nobody is dropping ore by right clicking and dropping, it's too obvious of botlike behaviour. As for ban, was it a temporary ban at least? I really hope so. In any case I will help with the rebuild. As for rune essence, yes both rune and pure essence mining is supported. Activated a trial so you can test it out - good luck.
  2. Make sure to navigate to the Plugins menu located at the top of the Perfect Fighter setup window - there will be a number of options to choose from, including rock crabs and stronghold of security. Done, activated trial for sand crabs on the other thread, good luck. Not currently, right now I think it's only possible to autocast and babysit it (I assume you are bursting at Catacombs of Kourend?) In any case I will look into adding bursting support ASAP. I will try these options in combination, so the script is not eating for loot whatsoever (when only loot my targets is enabled)? I will investigate this ASAP. Yes proxies are supported, the script has no relation to the client or the proxy. For mirror mode there are a few alternatives to setup proxies there as well, let me know if you are interested. Did you make sure the cannon tile is set in a suitable tile? The base of the cannon needs to be located in the cannon tile (should be colored gray/silver on the main screen). If not, please confirm if it works without using a fighter profile (or making a new profile and setting the tile from the beginning). In any case I will give this another look too. Stronghold needs to be run via the bonus plugins which are included in the script - see the first quote of this post. The Plugins menu is located at the top of the setup window. Glad to hear this, please keep us updated, let me know if you have any other suggestions/questions/errors I can help with. Thanks guys, just to let you guys know - the new update is almost ready for posting
  3. Activated trials make sure to refresh scripts inside the client, good luck guys ^^
  4. Activated trials good luck guys ^^ Yep it supports both earth and/or magic imbue ^^
  5. Will be adding universal support for Coal bag across all my scripts ^^ As for edgeville furnace + ore, please confirm which ore, I will test. Also make sure to use non-bank tabs if using mirror, mirror doesn't like bank tabs + placeholders too. EDIT: New Update (v30) - Adjusted cannonball profit counter - Cannonball interface now handled quicker, uses shortcuts too Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys Almost done with coal bag update
  6. Added progress to main thread, good job on 99 mining, was very happy to hear that Will be adding universal support for Coal bag across all my scripts ^^ As for silver and f2p banking, will check it out ASAP. Activated trials too, happy botting!
  7. Which bars are you making? Please confirm so I can check out the calculator for bars made. As for trials, activated good luck ^^
  8. For timed botting I can extend my fighter’s interface for “Stops & Notifications” which allows conditional stop flags so you can stop the script when X event occurs, e.g. after 3 hours, or after X items made etc. I am working on adding a universal interface for all my scripts in this same fashion. As for alching, it completely depends where you alch, if you bankstand and blend in a bank where not many players can directly talk with you/report you - you can easily do a lot of botting safely without any bans.
  9. Update should go live within a few hours, apologies I forgot to mention this. It usually takes a few hours until script updates get processed, they need to be code-checked and verified before updates go live. But it's worth it ^^
  10. Posted a small update for v64, mouse offscreen should work in this version. Converted from another script of mine, it seems to be working well with the settings I used. Also made broad bolts faster since it only took a number change in the code. Will be posting another, bigger update for v65 in a few hours; featuring a new setup, more anti-ban options and improved GE.
  11. Yes I will add a dedicated splash option, in the meantime it is possible to splash via damage spells option and just selecting an npc.
  12. The script doesn't support blast furnace there is a separate script for that in the minigame section. @scorona2424 what seems to be the problem, I will help.
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Have fun guys Brimhaven - I will see what I can do, will run some prototypes there and gauge the experience + stability of the script
  14. Yeah I usually transfer from 500k-1m on each of my accounts and they eventually build up to 10m+ on their own. I don't bot more than 2-3 days (weekend strictly) because I feel most safe then and generally experience fewer bans.
  15. Mirror is nice, especially with the reaction timer system, it can help with bans.
  16. Okay guys, the counter for making unfinished potions was messed up, the bot still makes ~3k potions an hour. I will make some optimizations to try and make it even faster ^^ Also don't forget the wiki assumes perfect tick rates. So I will update the counters so it becomes more like this: (just tested in the new version)
  17. Bankstanding skills are super low risk, how are you inferring it is detectable? Maybe 1/20 accounts can get banned if you overdo it. In any case I already have plans to add offscreen mouse. Turning camera is not particularly what I would use because more actions = more risk, but I can easily offer it as an option for peace of mind, same applies for right clicking players and extra delays. As for broad bolts, I will add a fix for this asap; I will make them faster for you.
  18. You gotta start the script with supplies already, at the blast furnace. Then once you run out of bars while smithing, the script will start the GE cycle and will use varrock teleport tab to travel to GE, and repeat ^^
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will make some more changes for Ardy knight pickpocketing inside the ardougne bank (usually this is incompatible since the script thinks it needs to bank if it's standing near the bank), I will announce a new update within a few hours. @Jueix which stall, and which items are you dropping/keeping? I will take a look at the code and make some changes. Please confirm if it's fruit stall, I am currently adding a new update for fruit stalls and basket mode.
  20. It seems the client cannot find the law runes - I assume mirror client? Does a restart + hooking both clients while completely logged out solve this problem? Please confirm. Also - if not using mirror, also confirm. In the meantime I will be taking a look at the code. As for cannon and not fighting alongside cannon, will also run some tests for this and see what needs to be configured in the setup to solve it. As for logging out before stopping script - will add a function for this too, should be available in the next version. Ornate pools, will try to get these available in the next version, I need to unlock the final two upgrades, I will offer an option (experimental/beta) for this, since only the ornate pool object name actually changes (or may not even change at all) but it will be untested for the higher unlocks. Update coming up, thanks guys! Activated trials too, refresh scripts and happy botting EDIT: For cannon mode, these are the only conditions in which the script may stop: - If you have enabled logout when no food mode, and you run out of food - If no fighting npc can be found - If using B2P mode and you run out of tabs/runes for spell I think it is the second one (no valid npc can be found), and since you are fighting a caged npc, the script ignores all unreachable/cages npcs unless you enable the option 'caged npc mode' and then it will detect and not ignore those npcs. Please try enabling that option and you will be able to use cannon at caged ogres. If you already tried this, please confirm so I can investigate further. In the meantime I will run some more tests and see if I find anything to update.
  21. Banking is fixed in client version .59, it is now the stable version of OSBot, so you don't need to manually download it anymore. Please don't forget to update your clients to latest version and the script will work much much better ^^ Activated trials good luck guys.
  22. Will offer an ultra low resource option in the upcoming versions, featuring stripped-down functionality and high priority for the main functions of the script and low resource usage. But it will not be compatible with other options, also make sure not to enable OSBot's 'low resource' option in the osbot settings menu. As for trials - activated good luck.
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