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Everything posted by Timekeeper

  1. Wonder if there is any chance jagex will ban his account since it was posted on a botting forum
  2. 5/5 top quality poster let's see what my girl KT thinks about this thread
  3. Srs, for the most part everyone is mature. But there are some of you goofy silly mother fuakers that blow my mind. Act like a spoiled brat, anybody says anything negative about you, boom admin is involved, and even some of the admins pull some bullshit moves. Bunch of children crying to mommy and daddy cause they didnt get their way, I lol everytime Just fuaking lol bros inb4 thread in spam section is locked because some global mod doesnt understand the rules for the spam section
  4. Isolate this rule is for raw pornographic nature that would require a 18+ year old section. If you saw that woman walking on the beach you wouldn't say a fuakin word. Go find something else to whine about. Also, inb4 "Thread was targetting my so I closed it"
  5. Lmao @ Gh0st you reporting me now breh? I'm about to have to make a second call out thread
  6. ITT: People who don't realize it's a joke
  7. Timekeeper

    BETA v1.7.66

    Looks like it blew over
  8. Fast support, keep up the good work OSbot development team, would also recommend script makers to check scripts for any new introduces glitchs, so far looks like several pathing issues.
  9. Now I have a RAT in my HTML address, its k doe I have Geeksquad on speed dial prepared for this exact situation
  10. inb4 cleaned It's an addiction breh, every eventually ends up broke...everyone
  11. Using public VPNs is inherently dangerous also for botting. Because most of them have already been used for botting, got caught and IP origination flagged by Jagex. So using them will autoflag your account instantly. Use a private seller or none at all imo
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