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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. You already registered with that account. TerrifiedVirus is registered, recover it via email. If you don't remember the email pm me I can give you the email you used. h******.k************@gmail.com
  2. got a pic of the stats ? You are liable for that also.
  3. poor excuse for photoshop nice remove though. He needs to post here and let you know.
  4. Your accounts were banned the same day. You also claims you used the actual client, how did you get such perfect pictures cropped perfectly. Either send the screenshots, refund him, or banned. The choice is yours, but don't expect to feel sorry in a month or two and expect to pay him then. We won't allow you back.
  5. Awe, you are 2 days late.
  6. You did the service, you provided him the screenshot of a cropped client. You have 12 hours to provide a screenshot of the full client or you will be IP banned again, and not allowed to return anymore.
  7. I'll save this, so when you beg to come back I can laugh at you.
  8. I've asked him to post here he will need to refund you. As I doubt you want that account back after he just recovered it. Well rip city, this guy is a scum bag, sorry for your loss.
  9. You did a service with access to the script required to do the service. Unless you can provide proof you didn't bot, screen shots of the waves + firecapes, you are responsible.
  10. Put him in twc, can you tell us how much you paid for the account so we can tell him to refund that amount.
  11. Welcome if you have an old account you can't remember let me know I can search for it.
  12. he hasn't had it in 3 or 4 days. Good try though ghost
  13. I really like the idea, but hard to read.
  14. Osbot needs a banner Looks good as usual man
  15. so what is the total price With supplies etc With supplies etc
  16. will this be done by you or a worker will this be done by you or a worker I would want this done by you not a worker can you guarantee that?
  17. sorry looking for someone more trusted to ensure it is hand done.
  18. It has to be hand trained NO BOTS, can train however you want. I need a price with supplies included. So if you want to use chins include that in your price you offer. If you get the account banned, you will be liable for a refund of $250.00 worth of GP at $1.2 or you will be IP banned from OSBot and not allowed back until it is paid back. I will be paying in 07 GP or Paypal.
  19. He paid e-check, that takes 3-5 business days to clear.
  20. Can you please post a picture of the accounts stats + tell me exactly how much membership + wealth it had. Also why would did you let a TWC user do this on your account? I'm confused, he has the TWC badge for a reason. (you aren't in trouble just curious)
  21. I want something animated also
  22. Depends what you want, hope I can get it free to bring in more people to OSBot, but will pay if need to. If I want to pay a lot I'll go to moonglare.
  23. I went from the iphone 5s to s6, and I can't believe I owned an iphone for that long. I would never go back to iphone after owning android.
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