Welcome all TopBot Members!
It has been announced that another Oldschool bot is now closing. While it is sad to see a fellow bot close, we'd like to welcome the members of TopBot and give all of the TopBot users the easiest transition from TopBot to OSBot as possible for script writers, dedicated botters, casual botters and the community members. Feel free to introduce yourselves here and divulge into the community!
TopBot Script writers read here:
We will be expediting the script approval process for the next month to make the transition as easy as possible. Below are some resources to help you adjust to the script creation process on OSBot:
Check out the Script Rules here.
Request an OSBot git account using the announcement here and post in the SDN Upload Requests subforum
Check out the OSBot API here.
Check out the programming sub-forums and utilize scripting help section for help along the way!
1 Week Sponsor and VIP Discount:
Discount on VIP - $7.99 instead of $9.99
Discount on Sponsor - $39.99 instead of $55.99
Discount on Lifetime Sponsor - $100 instead of $124.99
Check them out in our Store here!
Also, don't forget to checkout our official OSBot chat here!
Read more on TopBot's Closure here: https://topbot.org/forum/index.php?/topic/7953-farewell-closure-of-topbot/