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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. +1, have forwarded a lot of links recently to Laz to download a lot of stuff + the new theme etc.
  2. Congrats, glad we have an inactive member off the top!
  3. Thank you for admitting the only reason you are complaining is the TWC you are in. No thanks, you aren't being removed right now it clearly still allows you to access everything everyone else does, just people need to TWC.
  4. Maldesto


    Well, I will vouch for kelly, I have known of her for years on RSC. Everyone knows she is a girl except the ones that are a bit jealous she doesn't flirt with them or send pictures to.
  5. It is fine how it is, sorry.
  6. Lol, Raflesia isn't going to be admin again. Also it isn't my fault you scam quit and decide to come back I allow it you still complain. I allow you in the chat box and you still complain lol.
  7. just saying no, he knows there is a thread and has posted in it probably over 20-30 times easy... I respond to people who actually need my time.. Like the 5 plus people talking to me at that time about actual problems.
  8. I shouldn't have to baby sit and make everything color for people to read the rules. If they don't read them they will be banned, then they will post an appeal we will show them the rules and deny their appeal for a while.
  9. Hate you or what? You only talk to me when you are saying "can you change my title" which clearly has a thread and has had once since the beginning of osbot. I don't understand why you think you are above the others that can just pm me to change it when everyone else has to wait in line. I ignore you because I am very busy when you clearly know where to go if you want this done.
  10. Maldesto


    I like spam with cheese and mustard
  11. Maldesto


    Will be added when a developer adds it. Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. Maldesto

    Paying bug

    Can you show me what it is saying?
  13. Maldesto


    We have one, i can't upload it have to have one of the developers do it.
  14. Nominate someone other than yourself, please do not troll
  15. Welcome back by the way you are the king of farewell threads
  16. I'll share with the community, He has been temp banned before for bashing alek and myself, he has also had his script denied numerous times for acting like a child. Alek told him to fix it since he can't follow simple guidelines and then accuses Alek of abuse when can't do it correctly... this was his response to me after I pm'd him and let him know to update his request that it would be compiled then..
  18. Wrong friend, but a current friend. He set you up from the beginning and admitted to it yet still friends..
  19. If I fart in a jar and send it to you in the mail will you be mad?
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