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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. 1 entry, guess defeat is admitted looking at our current pips.
  2. Didn't realize how little it was for people that couldn't access all the sections.
  3. Have a good one, feel free to come back anytime.
  4. Maldesto


    It is a problem on your end, I just logged into your account read a post by @Eliot and it wasn't appearing like that.
  5. I never really have a lot of free time, but I figured I'd try to make it look a little better.
  6. I confirm this is the greatest script ever.
  7. I've moved a few things and made a few new sections, so a few more things would be open and clear. I've moved the VIP/Sponsor/Donor down to the bottom of the forums. I've removed the pending section of the disputes, made 0 sense to have that instead of just 1 section for all disputes. I've made a few more adjustments, and more to come I'm open to any suggestions. Let me remind you, if you don't use a certain section for example, the market section, you can hover over the top right hand corner and click the - and hide it. So it will look like this, and hitting the + button will bring it back.
  8. hi i went pee came back thought i needed an introduction hello.
  9. Feel free to post the emoticons you want here, if they are worthy we will add them.
  10. Have a good one brother, come back to see us anytime.
  11. where is your app fag?
  12. Going best case scenario isn't what should be done. Just do 1 account running shrooms for 5 hours a day = 6 dollars and run like 3 times in 30 days and you make your money back x2 - 2 bonds, so you still profit in 3 proggies 1% chance of ban botting 6 hours 3 times a month. Yet you still are acting as you aren't making money. One time scripts make the market crash faster, and everything. You paying a small fee is worth it in the long run. More scripter updates and dedication to fixing it because if they don't people won't renew.
  13. What is the big deal with sending skype logs? To verify that its actually you on skype? and not someone pm trapping.. I know you are the market master, why does anyone ever question you?
  14. Maldesto


    You'll change your mind, not near as many people use those methods as paypal. You'll eventually need to iron it out, might as well be now.
  15. This was happening in 2001 in runescape classic. In like 3rd or 4th grade some girl in our class had a boyfriend on the game and got us banned from playing at school haha.
  16. Maldesto


    You will have to provide them will all the information they want. If you want to give them a call and see what they can do for you it would be easier. I know my account got limited, I basically had to give them everything they asked to get it back to normal.
  17. I've tried adding a 1 to the end of your name, let me know if this works. Your log in name is bollco1
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