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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Yes go to school or I will ip ban you!
  2. I vote yes, but I think I may be bias.
  3. I'll middleman for free, if i'm online join the chatbox.
  4. Welcome, you will learn quickly that we have the most active community. Can't wait to see you down the line!
  5. I voted czar, his scripts run flawlessly and he is 100% dedicated to them. If you report a bug he fixes it immediately, dedication wins every time.
  6. sythe got dumped from a year or two ago... It is the same guy doing it, he is paying for the passwords @Megaman
  7. They are a business, they have to make money or what would be in the point in buying. Maximizing profit is the name of the game. If you give me a dollar and I can buy something for it, and then someone offers me 3 dollars, i just tripled my investment. You have to realize they are doing exactly what you would do in their shoes.
  8. hashahahahahksdfjgalfkdsgjlkshk invest all your money into myspace, i see a comeback 2020.
  9. I need some team mates that are actually good, I do not want to lose often. Please post your k/d on bo2 and ghost + w/l ratio I'll play anything core or hardcore.
  10. Paypal only, you will go first of course, join the chat box. Only trusted users.
  11. User will have to refund you 100% of the scammed gp, before he returns.
  12. And we haven't had one case of that in a long time, most people that have high reputation aren't dumb enough to download a keylogger.
  13. Or just stop being stupid and using the same passwords on osbot as you are on other bots. Keep them all different. I'm not going to implement a system where you need your phone or some other method to log in, just because people don't want to keep their passwords different or their shit secure.
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