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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Make sure you are on the right account
  2. It was a monthly script. Your month ran out and the script is broken and the script writers went 3 months without even responding on it thread to broken reports. You were paying 15.99 a month for that buggy script. Spend your money on better scripts
  3. was this fixed if not I think 3 weeks was enough time for it to be fixed.
  4. You need to clear your inbox
  5. Maldesto


    Maldestoo Add me on ps4.
  6. Maldesto


    So I go to make my gamer tag for ps4. Maldesto is chosen I wonder which tard did it.
  7. Maldesto

    Stealth Quester

    for this expensive of a script I shouldn't be getting this from customers.
  8. I'm going to pm maxi half the people that shared made a Fb that they don't use lol. As said before liking is no problem it's the sharing. I'll look into it more see if we can figure out something
  9. He made you a logo you never said you wouldn't pay if you didn't use. You approached him not the other way around. You pay the designer regardless of if you use it or not when you ask them to spend time on a design. How is he acting like a child, because he wants his money or that he made a dispute because you ignored him. He gave you 5 days and asked you about it. You ignored again ..
  10. Can't really expect him to remember a year ago, so 10 dollars is what he will pay or be banned
  11. What was the agreed price? Did he make it clear before you wasted time that you may not get a full payment?
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