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  1. Is this the exact same as the fishing, wc and mining AIO? or are there more features?
  2. Will this script use a sceptre and recharge?
  3. Last time i played it was down and i havent became a donor again since then.
  4. I heard it was down a while ago and ive just come back to see if it currently functions.
  5. bellboy303

    Fruity NMZ

    Yeah mirror works well with this, its all I use.
  6. bellboy303

    Fruity NMZ

    70-99 range with this script, cheers mate
  7. Do you have a basic list of what will? Looking to purchase assuming I can use atleast some of salamanders/chins/butterflys/falconry.
  8. Does mirror mode work with this script?
  9. Does this work with mirror mode?
  10. keeps getting stuck with interacting with torcher/shifter in the paint then script does nothing
  11. Are new quests being added?
  12. Just bought and got the cape first run, incredible script well worth the $$
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