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  1. Does it support the woodcutting guild?
  2. Is there any screenshots of this running? Looks really interesting actually.
  3. Nah this update will just push stakers to use external sites = stakers will buy less gp = gp price will be the same
  4. Would you be able to do 0-100% lovakengj favor on my account?
  5. Alright thank you. But what format do i put the accounts in? Is it Username,Password,0000 ?
  6. I can't input anything in the first box that pops up when you start the script. The box is just white and you can write anything in it.
  7. Can I have a trail please? This script looks dope.
  8. Could I get a trail please?
  9. What do you need? : The feud Payment method? : RS3 GP Going first or middleman? : Going first What is your Skype? : Skype in 2017? lel anyway it is fillesteam Do you agree to the TOS? : Yes
  10. Good release Apaec! I remember doing this back in the day, I will get a few account on this and see how it goes.
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