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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. I'll look at it. Probably not anytime soon since it's a lower priority. Thanks for reporting
  2. Are you running in mirror mode?
  3. I suppose you meant that you have Kodi, but you want to be able to watch movies and TV Shows on Kodi?
  4. Please show us the code regarding these different logs/mouse events.
  5. Some scripters offer the source, from others you can't do more then just trust them by their word. In some occasions, there are requests that are fully customized, thus them not being from the SDN.
  6. Looks very promising!
  7. It's not me stating I'm sure he does it, it's me saying that there's a possibility of him doing that.
  8. I'm 90% certain you didnt even care to read the first page on how to start the script. Ring of dueling is actually supported for example, but you couldnt take the time to read it could you? Instead you chose to give a negative feedback on things/features that work
  9. Please consider before doing this, he could easily record the activity of his server(s), and therefore steal methods. I'm not accusing you of doing this, just giving everybody a headsup
  10. Just tested this buddy. [See my test result in the linked GIF] Are you sure you started it like the main page tells you to? https://gyazo.com/de66c8d2b5892c5bd35aa14707426bc0
  11. How long was the runtime before this happened? Was this in mirror mode?
  12. I'll try to take a look at it Granted
  13. You can use your own LoginHandler, or play around with pausing and resuming the scriptExecutor. I'd advise to just go with the LoginHandler solution though. Bear in mind that you'll have the disable all randoms through CLI for this
  14. Write your own method, it's quite easy
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