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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. You haven't read the thread ;) I'll try to look into this once i can. Wont be home untill monday
  2. Currently on a city trip to Dublin from Thursday - Monday. Won't really be available untill monday/tuesday.

  3. Have you started it exactly like the thread states?
  4. Not really - dont have the required level atm
  5. Can you name who this scripter was?
  6. It has nothing to do with CLI as far as I am aware. If you have breaking enabled, it is not that hard to put any sort of break-preparing in the script Something like --> if breaking within 2 minutes --> get to a safe place where player can't get attacked, then wait for breaking to turn active
  7. It's the scripter's fault if a combat script fails because of breaking
  8. V2.17 has been pushed - Oak armchairs are fixed, Keybindings have been added, fixed the issue where it would try to keep making objects even though it should interact with butler
  9. Im looking at this today. Also, have you tried running it without progressive mode? Progressive mode is still in beta
  10. I'll try to get some construction levels tomorrow. I'll see what I can do
  11. Does it click on the spot that it moves the cursor to? (even though this spot is wrong)
  12. I'm making it, not sure when though. I'm currently quite busy so it doesn't have priority
  13. All trials granted - it can not build trees
  14. There's a client that has an API and can be used for some specific RSPS's, I forgot it's name though
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