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Everything posted by Prolax

  1. Why search for a job, instead you can create your own company?
  2. Prolax

    Super Stealer

    Works at Master Farmer too?
  3. Perfect script, thanks APA!
  4. Does someone have a source code for a simple Edgeville smelter script? Looking for something like the below script where "get" methods and "this" are used. (For learning purposes) Thanks!
  5. For some reason I can't see the script in my list? Do you know why?
  6. Hey Czar, Can I have a trial to test the script at some locations? Thanks.
  7. Great script! Works perfect!
  8. Was a bit too short, couldn't really test. Is it possible to issue again? Thanks.
  9. Hey Khal, can I have a Trial?
  10. Hey APA, Could you give me an extended trial? Would like to test many locations. Thanks!
  11. Thanks! The script works great! I tested at the following location: Al-Kharid mine -> powermining 3-spot iron ore Mining Guild -> mining admantite ores with banking and world hopping Rune rocks -> mining runite ores with world hopping Some smalls suggestions / new features: When mining at rune rocks Be able to withdraw some food at bank, red spiders can hit you (especially lower levels) Be able to switch world instantly when a pker appears -> got killed 2 times at rune rocks Proggy powermining 3-spot iron ore:
  12. Not sure why, but can't see the script in my script overview?
  13. Hey Czar, Can I have an extended trial? Would love to test all the features in the script.
  14. - VirtualBox - VMware Workstation Player What I prefer is running an Instance in AWS or a VPS on Vultr or Kamatera.
  15. Works perfectly, I changed the below to simply inventory.dropAll(); for (int i : new int[]{ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 21, 17, 13, 9, 5, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 27, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, 3
  16. In my case it typed "dick" in the chat.
  17. Sign me up, I test on my Amazon instances.
  18. Didn't notice any bug with the script, was doing just fine for me though.
  19. Perfect, working again, thanks!
  20. Looks like the script isn't working after update. Could you look into it? Thanks!
  21. Is Rogues' Den minigame supported?
  22. Anyone know fastest way to 99 thieving?
  23. Could you give me a trial? Very interested.
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