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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Several bugs were fixed ~40 minutes ago. Still working on another bug. Edit: Fixed.
  2. We are interested in having it, it's a matter of priorities. We have a number of things that we'd like to get done prior to implementing it.
  3. Zach

    MirrorClient 2.1.x

    Not sure what made you think that script updates weren't being pushed, they are. If it's still not working, then it might be something you should bring up to the scripter.
  4. Went out a few hours ago and included a bunch of minor updates. As a result, I'm clearing off the bug reports section to allow for new threads. As a reminder, you do not have to do anything to get the update. Just restart your bot client and game.
  5. That isn't a .83 debug log. Nonetheless, I've identified what I think is the potential issue and a fix has been committed and should be available in the next release.
  6. FYI "AchievementDiaries" will be renamed to "Diaries". The "Achievement" part seems redundant and makes it unnecessarily verbose.
  7. Could you specify which version of Ubuntu you're using so I can check the appropriate version?
  8. We aren't going to help you recover an account without proof that it's yours. The appropriate course of action here is to recover the email you should own if it is truly your account.
  9. Nice cat in the profile pic to go along with it
  10. Beware the cat pushing the wrong buttons
  11. Zach

    OSBot 2.4.81

    Fixes character health grabbing issues. Deprecated: Character.getCurrentHealth() Character.getHealth() Character.getMaximumHealth() Replace those with: getHealthPercent() getHealthPercentCache() API updated
  12. I've already stated the problem based on the error log you provided. I'm not going to teamview every person that can't figure it out. Heck, even the error log says the same thing.
  13. The message makes it very clear something is blocking it from loading, so you may want to look into whether you have Microsoft Security Essentials and the like installed.
  14. Disable your antivirus.
  15. Zach

    OSBot 2.4.76

    Patches for latest RS update. Extended all active VIP subscriptions by 7 days.
  16. Fixed the second client issue and asked Alek to release it
  17. Alek wasn't able to reproduce the error at this time. So if someone can replicate it, please get in touch with me.
  18. Opens fine for me. You may need to be more specific because I could totally be doing something different from you.
  19. I just tried it and it works fine.
  20. Switched to .61 for stable (which has always worked) from .59, so you guys should start seeing updates flow through.
  21. Zach


    http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%202.4.60.jar It's on the right hand side of the main forums page if you're on the Animate theme.
  22. Zach


    There isn't any plan to implement a whitelist for it since we left the web fairly open. If you need a specific permission, you can ask for it. But, we're not going to be doing a whitelist for every little permission.
  23. If you trace its history, the commit for it was made in June 2014. Since that point in time, it's stayed disabled by requests from multiple scripters. So technically it only took 2 years overcome that consensus and finally enable something that's been around, simply disabled. We have an fairly relaxed culture and we wanted to keep it around, hence the hesitancy around it. If you think that it'll get rid of manual code reviews, you need to re-assess how you think security. It won't replace manual code reviews. Your thinking is way too closed minded. The key to security is looking at every angle. You're just not thinking about everything and I'm certainly not going to hand ideas out for people to use. A SecurityManager alone won't be getting rid of manual reviews, that's for sure. Edit: Since it wasn't clear, please note that I mentioned "security systems" in the original post, not specifically a SecurityManager. So for clarity purposes, yes, manual code reviews could be decreased as part of the broader security system, but it is unlikely that they will be completely gone. A SecurityManager alone won't cut it.
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