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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Varc

  1. User requested topic to be closed.
  2. I believe you will have to apply for a VISA depending on how long you plan staying for, also i think you will need a national insurance number which you can find here - https://www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance-number Not sure but just check ^_^
  3. Varc

    old pics

    Lol'd at @RoomScape TWC
  4. Nicely done, void rushers are the worst with their 3 way switches
  5. You would be following in the footsteps of a legend that's for sure
  6. Varc


    Hi there i see you have been a member a while with us, hope you become more active on the forums and have a good time here ^_^
  7. If you can afford the beats go for it, i'm just saying its a lot of money to throw away on looking good invest in other things to look good :p
  8. Anything but beats, don't be that guy who buys beats just to wear them around their neck..
  9. The minimum wage for 21 year olds is £6.70 an hour whereas if you are younger it is between £5-£6. If you are in London the wages are better I believe but I would imagine it is harder to get a job in London in comparison to elsewhere!
  10. Think of it this way: Less people will pay for scripts meaning less people have the same mouse patterns and walking paths. Also if somebody has scripted paid scripts + free scripts which one will be the priority the one they make money from or the free one?
  11. If I remember right they are near 300 now (like 275-290 correct me if i'm wrong), I cannot see them ever surpassing the 300 mark so I can only assume they will be going down at some point and probably stay around the 240 mark, when that happens however I do not know.
  12. Some nice progress here bro, can't wait to see future progress updates!
  13. Welcome, feel free to drop in the Chat Box to chat ^_^
  14. This looks real nice man! Is this your first car? Btw Gz on paying for it yourself
  15. Spamming resetting post count to 750 newb
  16. Awesome man, i would say the mirror client section is probably best, let one of us know when you do (as the thread will need to be approved) and i'm sure we'll be able to pin it to direct people who are looking to set it up!
  17. If you would be willing to upload a video of you setting up the mirror mode i'm sure that would be extremely helpful to a lot of people + save a lot of explaining in the chat box for people who are new to using it
  18. User has been refunded. Thanks both for your co-operation and the speedy refund. Closing the dispute now
  19. As both of you have agreed a time frame of 10 days for a refund we will wait for confirmation of payment. Until then @Jamez will remain in the TWC usergroup. Please both post picture confirmation of the refund when it is complete. Thanks both for your co-operation.
  20. I have alerted @Jamez about the dispute and placed him into the TWC group as a precautionary measure. We will also wait on @Dex in regards to what was or was not discussed between him and Jamez over skype.
  21. Although it was an awesome strike i did think Mignolet was sort of at fault he could of made a pretty comfortable save
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