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  1. This script got me 90 crafting on my Ironman. Ty
  2. Plax


    Any plans on adding sandstone mining/Humidify for buckets of sand?
  3. How's the sandstone mining for buckets of sand, how many buckets does it collect an hour? Also is it a ban hotspot? Thanks
  4. Plax


    Reasonable prices, to clarify, will the MM be someone of your choosing or a notable MM on this site?
  5. What's the backstory someone fill me in, what led him down this path.

  6. Yeah, Idk if they fixed it but it doesn't get as hot anymore.
  7. It's awesome my iPad Pro gets lava hot though. Weird it's the new 2017 version.
  8. I've gotten 3 of my accounts to 99 mage autoclicking 10+ hours a day and have never been banned. They also introduced new mechanics to ardy knights to thwart auto clickers, they probably had a hard time banning them?
  9. Plax

    New mod.

    me, slightest challenge from a member and ill perm ban.
  10. Like 90 hours at Range guild, this was 2+ years ago though.
  11. Idk about the whole high ban rate, but go to Druids in Ardouge and you'll see bots in every world, and I don't mean throwaway accounts, majority of them are like 90+ str/att. Someone probably is running their own private script.
  12. One scientist called him clueless
  13. Can I get agility trial, thanks
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