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About Ruutihattu

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  1. He dmed me aswell. Knew he's a scammer. Offered accounts, Max cb 70-80 base stats, all quests done, and he asked 230m, max cb med 140m. ;D I asked why he's selling with so low price, " They were beads that I trained with my time so I would like to sell them so that someone else can have fun with them. I dont want to lose them in botting because they have a lot time invested in them." @Fruity He's still in ur dc-server.
  2. Does this supports BH? Tried to use in bh, but it didnt go out from the safezone.
  3. I would like to get trial aswell!
  4. Hmm, can you add "ticket boosting" option? Here is what i mean: -Start script with 2 accounts in empty world. - Booster (Losing team) will steal only one flag, and starts afking -Boosted (Winning team) will steal two flags It would be alot faster with this update.
  5. Can u give me the trial, please?
  6. Personally i need just mm1 bursting / chinning script, which supports auto restocking and bone pick up dropping to get best xp as possible.
  7. Any luck with the G.E resupply fix?
  8. I got newest java version, will try to reinstall or something.
  9. How many bots u can run with stealth mode? It starts lagging like after 5 accounts, and sometimes it crashes. Just asking because bot manager uses more capasity of ur computer than stealth mode. In stealth mode 12 accounts uses like 40-50% of my CPU, and with bot manager it uses 100%. with low cpu mode and fps capped to 20, its sitting somewhere 80%.
  10. Did u fix the resupply? Thinking of re sub.
  11. Hmm. Checked other sites and they were up. And im using 1 other bot, it was doing well.
  12. OSBot has been offline like 32hrs, since the osrs update. Maybe the devs fucked something up, dunno. Other bots has been up like 20hrs.
  13. 1h to setup like 7 accounts. Problems is in the client, Logger didnt say anything when i tried to start it, But anyway, the problem is gone by now, Still dont know what was the problem.
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