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  1. Is this out of date? Doesnt work. It changes withdrawal mode to all and then freezes.
  2. Hey boss! Can i have the trial ?
  3. He dmed me aswell. Knew he's a scammer. Offered accounts, Max cb 70-80 base stats, all quests done, and he asked 230m, max cb med 140m. ;D I asked why he's selling with so low price, " They were beads that I trained with my time so I would like to sell them so that someone else can have fun with them. I dont want to lose them in botting because they have a lot time invested in them." @Fruity He's still in ur dc-server.
  4. Does this supports BH? Tried to use in bh, but it didnt go out from the safezone.
  5. I would like to get trial aswell!
  6. Hmm, can you add "ticket boosting" option? Here is what i mean: -Start script with 2 accounts in empty world. - Booster (Losing team) will steal only one flag, and starts afking -Boosted (Winning team) will steal two flags It would be alot faster with this update.
  7. Can u give me the trial, please?
  8. Personally i need just mm1 bursting / chinning script, which supports auto restocking and bone pick up dropping to get best xp as possible.
  9. Any luck with the G.E resupply fix?
  10. I got newest java version, will try to reinstall or something.
  11. How many bots u can run with stealth mode? It starts lagging like after 5 accounts, and sometimes it crashes. Just asking because bot manager uses more capasity of ur computer than stealth mode. In stealth mode 12 accounts uses like 40-50% of my CPU, and with bot manager it uses 100%. with low cpu mode and fps capped to 20, its sitting somewhere 80%.
  12. Did u fix the resupply? Thinking of re sub.
  13. Hmm. Checked other sites and they were up. And im using 1 other bot, it was doing well.
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