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  1. This script looks badass, could i nab a trial?
  2. Has this script been updated for the new Scaly Blue Dragonhides from blue dragons?
  3. C O T W

    Stealth Quester

    Had a issue with the regicide quest, mid quest when it went to the chemist it looked like the script must of talked to the chemist then clicked out the back of his house instead of clicking the distiller. I had to intervene and click the distiller which fixed the script. ** the script was just spamming a value in the logger over and over ** Unfortunately i couldn't grab the logger info as after i intervened the script moves onto the next part of the quest and i couldn't copy the full section.
  4. C O T W


    This script will mine iron and bank in the members area of mining guild, start at bank with pickaxe equipped and it will do the rest. Nice for collecting unidentified minerals Run script in a non +1 or skill total world as it wont currently hop if a player is crashing you. ** Plans to add player detection/hopping in the future **
  5. C O T W

    Stealth Quester

    Where can i find what the script needs to complete the quests? I want to use this on a UGIM, i have a fairly good group who could source pretty much anything id ever need. Do you offer trials for this script? If so could i nab one.
  6. So i've had some time to check out this script and honestly with it not being updated in almost 2 years it's pretty solid. The ONLY issue i've personally found is when it's collecting tokens... When the script uses enough food to trigger a bank, it will finish killing the current armor set then leave the tokens/armor on the ground and go bank, while at the bank it will grab a new armor set if you have it or stop script if you don't have extra sets. Then the script will go back into the room and pickup the tokens on the ground. This causes you to loose an armor set if your account doesnt eat enough food to make inventory space by the time it despawns. Additionally when finishing the dragon defender the script just ends and if you're not babysitting it you'll die and lose your stuff. Other than that it's solid.
  7. Script is pretty nice, if you enable hopping you'll have massively decreased profit as it seems a large amount of people bot this area. I would recommend using target worlds, high risk worlds or if possible skill total worlds. Above is the best hour i had with hopping disabled.
  8. This script was able to get my GIM account full angler within about 4 hours with about 250k GP cost for swamp paste
  9. How does it return to canifis? Does this support graveyard tabs?
  10. Make a zammy wine collecting script in the wilderness dungeon near mage bank. Super easy requirements
  11. So how much is pro? when you try and click the link it had an error
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