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Everything posted by zgjf

  1. Thanks for this comment because I didn’t know it was on auto renewal. I don’t remember clicking it but idk.
  2. How much for you to add in the mythical cape? Would really like to support you and upgrade the script for potentially more profits down the road
  3. How much would it cost to have that work done? Would love to start using this! Thx
  4. Thank you very much; if you add the super sets I’ll purchase asap
  5. Do you need super combat potions or can I use super sets?
  6. Does this quest require super combat potions or can I use super sets? I don’t have the herblore for super combats yet. Will the script run without potions? Thanks
  7. is the antidote+ an effective option? bringing the herblore requirement from 94 down to 79. Right now there are 2 restrictions for iron is 85 slayer for the staff and herblore for the antivenom+. I would really like to make this purchase but with these restrictions it would not be of use for me for a very long time. Thanks for your consideration, Z
  8. This is the absolute worst news of my life.. Well I’m not sure of the costs involved but I’d be willing to financially sponsor whatever work is required(within reason) as it is the intended method I wanted to get to my goals. Not a single of the scripts here support the cape and that would be a huge bragging rights for you . Thanks for your consideration, z
  9. Any chance you could add it in? Your script is the best construction available and I just finished ds2 thanks
  10. no mythical cape?! thats the best method man
  11. IRONMAN QUESTION - If I use the ‘Cure Me’ spell I must be on the lunar spell book; so I can’t use the Iban staff and don’t have the slayer yet for other staffs. Are there other antidote/anti-poison/venom options or is Anti-venom+ the only potion supported? Thanks!
  12. Does this script allow me to use antidote+ or is it just anti venom+..? I’m iron and don’t have trident so I have to be on regular spell book and can’t use cure me
  13. Are the antidote++ required? I’m iron and not quite there for a bit. Is there any option to select other anti potions? Thanks, z
  14. Actually you do not ‘explain’ that you need certain potions; just that you do not make changes for Ironman accounts which is vague at best; but it is my due diligence to ask before purchasing. You win this one : /
  15. Could you please reply? I purchased before writing the original question like a dunce.
  16. I dont have extended antifires, anti venom, rejuvenation pool, or easy access to dust runes. Can I use air and earth runes..? Are there options for regular antifire potions? Same for venom; currently I have access to super antipoison; is that an option? And lastly Can i use karambwanfor foods? thanks, Z
  17. Figured it out; when you talk to the strange old man outside barrows there is an option that changes the number of questions from 2 to 1 when entering the sarcophagus with the tunnel and it needs to the on the 2 setting for it to detect the correct tunnel. just watched it complete 3 runs no problem now. Looking forward to it; THX!
  18. So this is me starting the osbot version 2.6.75 then loading the frosty barrows; loading my settings and attempting to pick up where the bot quit last time. It gets to the brother with the tunnel inside and doesnt know what to do. Thanks [INFO][08/30 08:54:12 PM]: Loaded 1 RS accounts! [INFO][08/30 08:54:12 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.6.75! [INFO][08/30 08:54:19 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 216! [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:19 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot... [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:19 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters... [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:22 PM]: Injected bot reference into client! [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:22 PM]: Injected world accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:22 PM]: Injected 39 class and 340 field accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:22 PM]: Injected canvas! [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:30 PM]: Loading RS world : 179 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:54:30 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules... [INFO][08/30 08:54:31 PM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][08/30 08:55:04 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 16 scripts. [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [WARN][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: Initializing Utils [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: CLI=hours_limit=-1, profit_limit=-1, trips_limit=-1, profile='null' [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: Reloading Utils [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: Loading Script Setup Executor (null) [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:05 PM]: FrostBarrow version: 1.7.4 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: Initializing profile [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1bc24d1 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@af412c [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@1468900 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@140c717 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@15b5174 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:55:06 PM]: icon: javax.swing.ImageIcon@7875ae [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Dharok the Wretched to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Karil the Tainted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Ahrim the Blighted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Guthan the Infested to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Torag the Corrupted to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Set state of Verac the Defiled to 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: INFO: Order: con[] {Dharok the Wretched, Karil the Tainted, Ahrim the Blighted, Guthan the Infested, Torag the Corrupted, Verac the Defiled [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (DHAROK) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:15 PM]: INFO: First enemy: Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:20 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Iban's staff (u) [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:21 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Imbued saradomin cape [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:23 PM]: DEBUG: Disposing Vials [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:26 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:26 PM]: DEBUG: Enemy defeated! [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: --- Current state --- [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: AHRIM: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: DHAROK: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: GUTHAN: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: KARIL: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: TORAG: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: VERAC: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: DEBUG: Found next (AHRIM) by getBest(TODO) [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:28 PM]: INFO: Next tomb: Ahrim the Blighted [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:30 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Rune crossbow [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:31 PM]: DEBUG: Swapping to item: Ava's accumulator [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:56:41 PM]: DEBUG: Going to search tomb [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:57:09 PM]: Terminating script FrostBarrows... [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:57:09 PM]: Shutting down script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:57:09 PM]: Failed to send progress data [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 08:57:09 PM]: Script FrostBarrows has exited!
  19. I'm not sure I explained the issue well. During each barrows trip, one of the sarcophaguses has the tunnel inside it and it always asks whether you are ready to go in or not. Right there is where the script is getting stuck. It is expecting one of the brothers to pop up for a fight but one never does because that sarcophagus has the tunnel with the chest inside. thanks for looking into it
  20. My script is getting stuck on the part where it searches the sarcophagus that has the hidden tunnel and asks if you want to enter. the script will sit there, click the sarcophagus again and then continue to do so in loop. please help and thank you
  21. Hey just purchased and I'm having trouble with the script : / maybe its my end. When I am in the tomb with the brother that has the tunnel and chest inside; the script sits at the screen where it asks if you want to go into the tunnel or if you're too scared'. eventually i'll run out of prayer, go back up and restore prayer then spade back down and get stuck at the screen where it prompts me if i want to go into the tunnel but I havent killed all the brothers yet. Thanks
  22. Trial plzz, looks dope but as an iron I’ve got some limitations I’d like to test before purchase. Thx!
  23. is this still available? couldnt find it
  24. please make a script with soda ash buyer and bucket of sand at port khazard. kinda the only reason i bought this factory*
  25. I would like a trial if possible. does the regular version have antiban software? where can i find the benefits of pro? Thanks
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