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Everything posted by GetBurried

  1. You dont get any XP unless you talk to daero after you finished the quest, and if you do talk to him and do daeros training you will also get defence xp. So just finish the quest.
  2. GetBurried

    Stealth NMZ

    The bot doesn't fix broken armour, please fix this.
  3. What would you say is the best food/potion setup?
  4. Useless script, too complicated to setup.
  5. Is there any script for killing chompys?
  6. Hi mate, how do i setup for black chins? what teleports are needed etc?
  7. Should the script bank after every kill or can you setup multiple kills and then bank?
  8. You can cancel the subscription via paypal.
  9. Does that script go for 88% drop potential? my only reaches 60-70
  10. Hello Czar, the script bugs out when making gold bars. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:09 em]: (Zooomed out): Banking action... (Current: [null] | Previous: [TAKE_BARS]) [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:09 em]: Bank booth is visible! Attempting to open... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetBank: Wait distance until open bank 1" [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: Bank opened (FULLY ZOOMED) don't waste time, go go go! [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:10 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:11 em]: Passed the empty except test. Items: ([776, 1580, 12019, 24480, 1925, 1929]) [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:11 em]: Checking if we should drink stamina or deposit... shouldDrink: false, hasStamina: false [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:11 em]: We should keep it for some odd reason! [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:11 em]: Withdraw the ore!! [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:12 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:12 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:12 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:12 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:14 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:14 em]: Setting bank... [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:14 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #2][09/08 12:02:14 em]: Updated bank. [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:25 em]: guzzling cake [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:25 em]: failed to move mouse over destination [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:27 em]: failed to move mouse over destination [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:29 em]: failed to move mouse over destination [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:30 em]: failed to move mouse over destination [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:33 em]: next guzzle threshold: 6 [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:02:33 em]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:52 em]: drinking absorption [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:52 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:54 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:55 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:57 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:58 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:03:59 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:00 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:02 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:03 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:04 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:05 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:07 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:08 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:09 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:10 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:12 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:13 em]: clicking potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:14 em]: next absorption threshold: 102 [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:15 em]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][09/08 12:04:16 em]: updating context It's just standing at the bank o.O
  11. Would love True blood altar with ring of dueling + housetab + fairy ring.
  12. Can you add True blood altar with ring of dueling support + house tab + fairy ring support? I will gladly buy the script if so.
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