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Everything posted by BIGFOLKS

  1. does this support full crystal bowfa?
  2. i used the preset setting i didnt change anything also all my accounts keep getting locked due to stealth inject how do i stopp that?
  3. im using the blowpipe with dragon darts my range is 80+ def same and still no successful attempt. im using the blowpipe with dragon darts my range is 80+ def same and still no successful attempt.
  4. same on the rangers aswell
  5. get stuck while fighting the 2 rangers it just runs back and forth also ive tried this on 90+ stats acc on still cant get the fire cape cuz of bugs in script
  6. hey is there any way to do barrows with this script?
  7. ok one thing my account got locked when i tried to start it in stealth mode why is that? second thing, is there ever gonna be an update with the mirror mode or can u explain to me how to go from mirror to stealth ?
  8. mind joining me for discord and i can show u what im talkling about can we do a discord or sum cuz i dont know how to copy past what u talking bout
  9. why does the script keep grabbing all supplies from bank then rebanking supplies and doing that over and over again thats what got me chain banned
  10. sadly i got chained banned after using it on a diffrent account that got over 7 max main banned at once i had a pk account i was using it on and
  11. sad got me banned the very first day i used it due to it resuppling fail so i lost over 3b trying out not worth the script stay away
  12. can we add max poh to tele options
  13. hey i need help with a bandos script i have the prayer swap but i still need help with other part plz help?

  14. do u have a godwars bot with range and mage prayer swap option?


  15. looking for someone to write me a god wars script for all boss's for solo range and melee if anyone can help send me a message
  16. are u a male or female?

  17. yoo ive been working 14 hr shift the last few day i think i missed your trial cuz i dont see it on my list of clients p.s can i get another trail , thanks
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