Best script ever. After a little practice and time, writing basic scripts is easy (coming from someone who doesn’t spend much time on the pc and has no idea about coding) managed to make simple scripts for fishing/mining/thieving and whatever else I’ve done. But the best thing is the GUI walker. One click on the map and your character will walk to that destination, this is so handy and has left me completely not worrying about teleports.
And then the other bonus is the community, so many people willing to help you figure things out or teach you something, seems to be full of really good people who are more than happy to share information and tell you what you need in your script.
Oh and I almost forgot, all the community scripts coming out seem to be epic, there’s some gems in there and it’s only getting better. I haven’t even brought the expansion, and that has some crazy scripts.
Overall this one script can replace most of the premium ones (once you learn) but even if you don’t bother, there’s enough community scripts to keep you busy and save you spending money elsewhere on scripts.
Best investment yet and do not regret this purchase.