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Everything posted by nz420

  1. can help test, will be one account maxed combat
  2. Havent had bans, but have had a locked account and thats annoying
  3. Yeah you would, If you have the time, even while running other scripts you will learn fast. Then you can make basically anything. Khal Rc is good but that’s all I’ve ueed apart from sf
  4. Just have frequent breaks, do a few sessions a day
  5. nz420


    I did agility for 4 hours straight the other day, seem to be fine. Did it for 5 hours last week and got hit tho
  6. Be interesting to see what you bring
  7. Script factory can do them all if you learn how to use it
  8. nz420


    It feels like too much of a push to get people to take it, and that I don’t trust. When have they given free health care and look at what they’re offering. From what I understand it’s still in its trials as well until 2023, we really don’t know what could happen in the long run. I’m not gonna go deep into everything, but the virus has a really high survival rate, our body’s can fight this off as long as we’re healthy. Yes some are not so lucky, most have underlying health conditions. I get it hurts when it’s family or someone close, but is the risk really worth it? Death will always be here and it’s survival of the fittest in these moments, that’s how we get stronger
  9. nz420

    Pc on old main

    Thanks for the comment, I was guessing around that but I also have no idea haha
  10. Pc on this account? i get it looses value as has had a 2 day ban and is registered. Ds2, MM2 done, POH has pool, lunar altar and a few other things (cant remember what as its been f2p for ages, since i quit playing and just bot now accounts to sell now)
  11. Well there goes that plan, thanks for informing me
  12. Best script ever. After a little practice and time, writing basic scripts is easy (coming from someone who doesn’t spend much time on the pc and has no idea about coding) managed to make simple scripts for fishing/mining/thieving and whatever else I’ve done. But the best thing is the GUI walker. One click on the map and your character will walk to that destination, this is so handy and has left me completely not worrying about teleports. And then the other bonus is the community, so many people willing to help you figure things out or teach you something, seems to be full of really good people who are more than happy to share information and tell you what you need in your script. Oh and I almost forgot, all the community scripts coming out seem to be epic, there’s some gems in there and it’s only getting better. I haven’t even brought the expansion, and that has some crazy scripts. Overall this one script can replace most of the premium ones (once you learn) but even if you don’t bother, there’s enough community scripts to keep you busy and save you spending money elsewhere on scripts. Best investment yet and do not regret this purchase.
  13. Was wondering where is good for a vps, I know very little about the whole process, but am thinking about running more accounts. At this stage I wouldn’t need to run more than 4 in mirror mode, but even two would be enough just to try. cheers all
  14. Well that’s a little awkward. Thank you for the heads up. Might think about what else I could try
  15. Can link you my sythe vouch if you want? But best to add on discord as sythe account user name is same as discord’s, osbot one is different haha
  16. I haven’t had an account banned when using fresh ones I create, I usually bot the same day, but just lightly for that day. I did sometimes get account locks tho, and that’s annoying especially when it happens just after trading supplies over
  17. Probably because they were fresh. I know people who train in nmz with remote and never heard of a ban
  18. Hasn’t made a difference for me 3-4 accounts going at the same time on the same ip, no bans really unless I make a mistake
  19. I’ve never tried after a 2 day as I don’t wanna lose the gp on the account, I always just clean it then leave it and never touch it again
  20. You’re safe, just don’t do it again. Should just bot haha
  21. nz420

    Botting to Max

    How’s this going now?
  22. nz420

    Botting to Max

    I’ve thought about giving this a try myself, just the one account on the side, but I don’t wanna invest in scripts I might only use once
  23. I don’t seem to get bans doing agility, but I don’t suicide it lol
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