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  1. home ip best ip. taking more/longer breaks will do the job often beter.
  2. + he makes great script factory scripts.
  3. Hi Juggles, you doing trials for this script?
  4. Nice, will post the logs once the update is online
  5. I cant make it to work Start it up and it only adjust the zoomZ, then it idles. When i light up manually the incenses it says 'reset incense timers' in the logs. But thats all i was able to get off. Let me know if you need anymore info from my side, can make recording if u want to. Can also sent you the logs but then i have to remove the hosts name from it.
  6. U sure you did? Because it doesnt show up in my scriptlist :P
  7. Hi, can i get a trial for this script? Im looking for something atm that can light up incense burners in poh.
  8. 1. KO Crazy Archy 2. Perfect Blast Furnace 3. Project AIO Miner 4. Heiz Obor Killer 5. MW Iron Series - Fisher & Cooker <3
  9. does this script still exist?
  10. Hi, you doing trials on this one or not? Because your discord says error while processing.
  11. Hi sir, can I give it a try with a trial?
  12. Herman

    Complete Orber

    Looking for orber script, are doing trials?
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