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Touch Pulse

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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. No violations, handmade, house is fully upgraded
  2. i was wondering what the prices are for 60/60/60 with 43 pray fully quested and rock cake and 80/80/80 with 80 range and 80 magic with regicide done with 43 pray
  3. Hey @TokenI'm thinking about setting this up with like 10 accs or so, what would you say is a good starter acc? like stats nd stuff
  4. @Slayer the vm just runs on the same RAM as my normal laptop so not really a vps I'm not sure, how can i see/ change that? Ive been using the proxy for like 1 week now and botted 8 hours a day in nmz or so and didnt got banned yet
  5. 1. OSRS Script Factory Pro Edition 2. Perfect Fighter 3. Perfect Fishing 4. KO Crazy Archy 5. Khal Undead Druid
  6. So I want to make/create account type builds. 10-25 in total but now i only have 6 accounts of them i set a group of 3 up on my own laptop without vpn or proxy and i got another 'batch' running in a virtual machine. in the virtual machine i use proxifier. But i was wondering what if i just put the proxy on my normal laptop outside the virtual machine. and when i bot on one batch i just do it normal and when i run the other ones i just use the proxy. wouldnt that almost be the same thing and less recourses?
  7. Hey i have a question, does this script have a break setting or?
  8. Damn man i totally forgot and didnt use it for one second i feel like i missed out now lol
  9. I have 4 accs with 50 attack, 50 mage, 43 pray, iban staff and barrows acces, no violations
  10. Looking for a price check for this, i will probably be selling to people i know in real life or if someone has a good offer I would consider but with the use of a trusted MM. This acc includes : around 90qp with regicide and mage arena 2 (in process of getting void) firecape no violations Stock : 2 Also OSRS GP
  11. Lol mb i thought you had to input it a different way on the right side, i have another question tho. Would you say quick switching gives higher ban rates or it doens't make much diffrence?
  12. Why does the script want to hop mid kill? I putted the option for world hop off and even when he is just being attacked he wants to hop
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