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Everything posted by Framble

  1. Perm. Looks like they first gave me 2 day ban but then smacked me with a perm.
  2. Old account? What did you bot? High stats?
  3. Strength and attack is quested, can be made into 50 att or 60 att pure. Has Avas accumulator Discord: Gone RC#2726 https://imgur.com/TedneOY https://imgur.com/a/8vhbKPp
  4. Framble

    Stealth Quester

    Could i trial this badboy? @Token
  5. Framble


    Could I have a trial on this badboy
  6. Sorry, my bad! But could you please add logs/oaks/willows/yews at port sarim and use the deposit box there? Very good method for yews and willows as the deposit box is very close to wc spot
  7. Still banking mith axe at varrock east oaks, i downloaded new version. Am I the only one with this problem? Suggestion for new location: - Yews/oak/logs at port sarim (Use deposit box there) - Yews/willows in Rimmington (Use Phials for noting) Script is running great
  8. Using mithril axe in inventory at east varrock oaks, script banks axe after inventory is full of oak logs
  9. I'm just curious to know what the average hourly pay is for a summer job I dont count botting as a summer job though, so please leave that out!
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