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Everything posted by Framble

  1. Framble


    They saw me bot beacuse they saw me do the same thing over and over. 5 people just standed there and tried to speak to me Why didd'nt I stop when one of the members suspected me.
  2. Framble


    So I was botting while I had many legit friends on Runescape and they were with me in this clan. They all just saw that I botted, reported me (20 people +) and banned me from their forums. GG me That was 10 months with them wasted..
  3. Decent ;) Lowest speed they offer on fiber cable here :P You can get 600/600 if you want ;)
  4. Listen to the whole song.
  5. Framble


    Hello and welcome to forums. Hope you enjoy the scripts ;)
  6. Good luck! Some people say they have been banned in the past but i dont know ;)
  7. Framble


    Shit post is shit. Oh wait...
  8. Pm me on skype: Kafuns Paying a little rsgp, short stuff..
  9. You know, for all those kids out there
  10. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5/3970/3970473_sprite198.swf Thank me later Prove that it aint virus and shit:
  11. Tibia, highly bottable: http://www.xenobot.net/
  12. Contact the scripter. I do not think you can get a refund. Swizzbeat is an active scripter shouldn't be a problem.
  13. So you don't like your own D?
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