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  1. Action delay timer: After every 1-20 or so actions with random bias towards either end, don't initiate an action until a random time delay. For example a mining bot, clicks the rock, "You manage to mine..." text pops up, the script would have a chance to not click the next rock from anywhere between 1 second to 10 seconds or minutes or whatever the user chooses in the GUI. The goal would be to create a random action profile for the account, instead of a predicted action profile. Hope I made sense and GL
  2. Happy holidays 1 = MW Iron Series - Fisher & Cooker 2 = Heiz Obor Killer 3 = OSRS Script Factory Pro Edition 4 = Progamerz AIO Prayer 5 = Perfect Blast Furnace
  3. Trayarc

    Exco Puro Puro

    Been using this for a couple days now, its good dont get me wrong, infact I love it, but theres some pretty big issues with it.. I'm not sure if they're client issues or script ones, none the less; Mirror mode Occasionally the client will freeze, I run multiple bots with different scripts and it only ever happens while running this script, To be more specific, the client becomes un-interactable, unable to close, minimise, pause, every widget on the client that is running this script is effected. ( The script and game are still running and the bot will eventually continue and capture imps in this state) I've noticed when it 'freezes' or becomes un-interactable its always when its trying to cast an entangle / bind / snare but the imp its trying to cast on has gone out of range, or something like that as its got the respective spell selected at the time of freezing. It can still continue in this frozen state after a while it will... but the client remains frozen and the memory usage of the client skyrockets, which kinda helps me identify the client in task manager. Second issue is the pathing, since it follows the red path and the maze is forever changing, it can get stuck. It happens often and is hard to explain, but visually, the bot goes to click on a path and somehow ends up on the other side of the map / maze and once the red path is out of sight, it gets stuck, slightly tilting the camera, seemingly looking for the path. but the path doesnt update here, it only updates when i manually run the bot back to the path once i find where the path is. Sorry if thats hard to understand, its hard for me to explain. (While writing this, both of those issues happened and the bot is stuck twisting the camera slightly and the client window is un interactable. its using 15.6% cpu whilst my others are all under 5%, memory is 964.5mb whilst others under 600mb.) Other than that, I love it @Patrick P.S I would love CLI Exactly how khal does his, saving a preset under a specific name, not how projectpact does it, with the true_false parameters. as these don't give much flexibility.
  4. Been using the black chin method and its really good, I have a few suggestions, not sure if osbot api handles any of these or not. It never successfully world hops when a pker logs in IF it has to click the world switcher widget before selecting a world. This only happens when logging in from being logged out, I'm semi tired atm but I think that made sense lol. Couple of times it got stuck in some strange loop of running to the hunting area, then once at the area, turn and run south west to 20 wild nd tele to corp cave. it would randomly ( 1/10 ish times from starting script ) get stuck in this loop. Possibly osbot mirror mode bug thingo reset required dealio tho. And this, it placed half the traps and then wanted to tele to edge, heres log if it helps [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:32:59 AM]: [Traverse]: Attempting to walk to Black chinchompas... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:32:59 AM]: [Traverse]: Interacting with cave exit. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Helper]: Attempting to set new layout... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: ====== Trap Layout ====== [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Total possible spots found: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [0]: [x=3142, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [1]: [x=3143, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [2]: [x=3142, y=3771, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [3]: [x=3144, y=3771, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [4]: [x=3143, y=3770, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: Trap [5]: [x=3144, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [Configuration]: ========================= [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:48 AM]: [WalkToTrapSpotTask]: We have successfully walked to our starting location. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:49 AM]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:50 AM]: [Helper]: [SetupTask]: Item in slot 2 contains Box trap! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:51 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Player walked to the correct position. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:51 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Setting trap at: [x=3142, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:52 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=3143, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:55 AM]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:56 AM]: [Helper]: [SetupTask]: Item in slot 3 contains Box trap! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:57 AM]: [TrappingTask]: [0]: Failed to walk to the correct position. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:57 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Process failed. Reverting index... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:59 AM]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:33:59 AM]: [Helper]: [SetupTask]: Item in slot 3 contains Box trap! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:01 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Player walked to the correct position. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:01 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Setting trap at: [x=3143, y=3772, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:01 AM]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:02 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=3142, y=3771, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:04 AM]: [Helper]: [SetupTask]: Item in slot 4 contains Box trap! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:05 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Player walked to the correct position. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:05 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Setting trap at: [x=3142, y=3771, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:06 AM]: [Helper]: Moving mouse slightly... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:07 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Hovering next trap at: [x=3144, y=3771, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:07 AM]: [TrappingTask]: Emergency breaking from loop! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:18 AM]: [Helper]: There was a problem with OSBot's world-hopper! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:18 AM]: [Traverse]: Attempting to walk to Edgeville... [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:18 AM]: [Traverse]: Walking to position: [x=3095, y=3496, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:18 AM]: [Traverse]: Currently in level 32 wilderness. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:19 AM]: [Helper]: There was a problem with OSBot's world-hopper! [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:24 AM]: [Traverse]: Currently in level 31 wilderness. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:25 AM]: [Traverse]: Currently in level 31 wilderness. [INFO][Bot #1][11/23 08:34:26 AM]: Terminating script Project AIO Hunter... Looks like it seen a possible pker, but there were none around, unless it can see further than rendering distance. But I stopped script and looked so not sure, there was another player or bot catching some nearby, perhaps this is cause. All probably mirror mode things but annoying cause it makes really good gp, but I don't want to get banned for faulty behavior, only for me not botting smart
  5. This is definitely true Your scripts are always great, maybe more anti ban? lmao thats every botters desire XD but then anti ban is just being unique it seems. I have a few minor issues with your hunter and woodcutter scripts; 1) Your hunter script checks whether or not the inventory is full by seeing if it can mouse over or 'hover' a empty inventory space, so it will hover empty inventory spots after every capture. Is that intentional? If so, is it possible to change the method in which a full invent is checked? This was in the early stages doing bird hunting. Reason being, this method is slow and potentially a flag for jagex, but probably not the latter but definitely the former. 2) Hunter script: While alching, it does this; 'Clicks spell book -> Clicks High alch -> Clicks Inventory bag icon to effectively 'release' the high alch as a selected spell -> clicks spell book -> clicks alch - > alchs item. It will high alch a random amount of times, usually a low number under 10 alchs then click the inventory to deselect the alch only to go and reselect the alch from the spell book. 3) Woodcutting: Sometimes it gets stuck banking in draynor, trying to click the bank teller from outside the bank, though a wall. I know you're busy so I tried to keep it relatively short, these issues arent script breaking but are not functioning as well as the rest of the coding in the script. Also, PP #1 scripter osbot? I think so, although its very close, osbot has some really impressive scripters! Inspired me to learn so I'm on codecadamey, doing a course haha
  6. May I trial aio fisher please? Also, is your 3 in 1 script you mentioned earlier, thats no longer available, have different lines of code or mostly the same as your individual progression scripts? Just out of curiosity
  7. Is there any CLI arguments for world hoping if no entity, mouse behavior and random drops? If not is there anyway for me to workaround this? Its just for script queuing and it goes off the CLI parameter
  8. With cli, i cant figure out how to add worldhops if no entity nd also randomised drop patterens @ProjectPact -script 1065skill=Mining#bank=false#grandExchange=true#altchat=false#worldhop=true#randomdrop=true? also, love your scripts, ever looked into a progressive thieving script? XD
  9. I have a few theories which come from others experiences and my own, its not a complete theory as the fundamental 'what jagex are looking for specifically' is, as far as I'm aware, unknown. But it's safe to assume that Jagex profile all accounts, they know the process to make a zulrah bot, which quests, skills etc.. profiled accounts get monitored more heavily and possibly monitored in a way that's comparing its behavior to other confirmed bots in their database. I'd imagine all accounts are profiled in some way, that's why training other stats is a good anti ban. There's also the client detection side of it, but we have mirror mode and its definitely effective, but also player reports and how many people are using that same script. Definitely more measures in place to stop mass bot farms i.e. ip address maybe mac? other things I don't really know much about Also bots / scripts are just a series of checks and loops with sleeps in-between sometimes. Where and what you click on also could be what their looking for, precisely if its about click timings or click locations is also unknown. It seems hard to imagine since there would have to be a lot more false bans, so how ever it is that they detect us, its pretty accurate. I'm sure the really good scripters have their own private scripts that have ultra low ban rates. gl hf
  10. @CzarThanks man, yeah maybe a setting up issue, just send a pm
  11. Heres my experience with the trial, Very good script overall, I do own the khal one but this one has restocking which makes this worth getting if you dont have a grand exchange trading script and bot manager for queuing. BUT I had issues..... Script stuck on loop rebuying Stams, I closed osbot client an osrs client ( mirror mode) and restarted, was ok. Script got stuck restocking again but this time selling all bars it didnt collect the money and just sat there for 6 hours since i left it over night after a few hours of playing around with it I thought it would of been okay but nope But I was running one Czar blastfurnace and one Khal blast furnace.... Khals script ended up wasting all my gold on paying forman over and over again, sooooo you win? lol Either way I'd never use any blastfurnace script on osbot until these issues were fixed. I had to reload my osbot client about 12 times before I got it working properly, sometimes it wouldnt even drink the stamina potion even if staminas were enabled, it would withdraw one and hold it in invent and never use it lol, messed around with the drink over % value but it doesnt make sense to me, Drink only if over 60% ? So anywhere from 60-100% it will drink a stamina? In my mind that means its gonna spam drink staminas, but it doesnt so I'm confused.. Ended up leaving this option unticked for best results. Thanks for trial, I'm a little disappointed but also impressed, definitely mixed emotions. Also, khals script does more bars/h even with fast settings on, that was what i was mainly testing lol
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