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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Wew some more flat design. me love flat design aha Looks very nice
  2. Fruity

    Some PiP's

    The colours don't match the ranks :3 and I don't get client and why a user one? EDIT: nvm I didn't see the made for bit aha :3
  3. Fruity

    MirrorClient v1.08

    Gz on linux! now get on the Mac
  4. Just cry. usually helps. then have a packet of Mini cheddars. then make new acc and dont bother with a proxy or vpn or vps
  5. Not too sure :3 how much gp would you add?
  6. I havn't pked on this account aha x] I'm not a pker i just like having account builds. But with torso + bands as + serpentine helm at level 56 combat it is quiet nice. serpentine helm does a lot of damage and more the longer the fight is :P
  7. 5 hours = 300mins interval deviation = how many mins give or take Above would run for between 4 and a half hours - 5 and a half hours and break for 2 and a half hours - 3 and a half hours
  8. A good free font to use would be Open Sans. its free to use for personal and Commercial also is a big(ish) family This is a good website for free to use fonts http://www.fontsquirrel.com
  9. The font is too close together. letters are merging and not the easiest to read. i would use a bolder font for the heading also keep the rest thin but a bold/semi-bold font for heading will make it stand out a lot more.. the BG is a good start but could improve on the bevelling . please take this as CnC n not me pointing out what needs to improve
  10. Fruity

    Much Cri

    Suggestions? im thinking mini cheddars :3 But Macbook's are sexy af :3
  11. Fruity

    Much Cri

    Yeah brb while i download Paint on my phone
  12. Depends how helpful you are
  13. Fruity

    Much Cri

    "while i wait for a new one?" "while i wait for a new one?" "while i wait for a new one?" "while i wait for a new one?"
  14. Fruity

    Much Cri

    Been 2 days without my Macbook because of the crappy Apple chargers :'( any advice on help with withdrawals while i wait for a new one? Already had microwave the battery and stick a fork into a plug socket but i would love some more ideas.
  15. Very nice gz on the script . probs wont test as i dont do fletch much but like the idea of it :P
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