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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Warped sceptre is your best bet, requires 56 slayer so isn't too difficult
  2. For the path to the client (that contains .../Applications/...), remove everything before /Applications
  3. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Pushed Update v4.17 with the new 2handed weapon fixed and also dragon thrown axes added to the special weapon list
  4. Pushed Update v6.27 with the following fixes Replaced links to Images in the Paint Fixed MAGIC_FOUR phase when using longranged Potential fix for decanting and triggering exchange handler
  5. Mind sending me a screenshot of your GUI options and also a copy/paste of the logs? @fruityscripts on discord if its easier
  6. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Infinity prayer added under the prayer options, stealth client only To use the feature, setup your quick prayers with what you'd like to flick and select the checkbox
  7. Join my discord in my signature, I have a Trial bot running
  8. What sort of proof you after?
  9. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Appreciate it! Thought I’d best make all my logos somewhat similar
  10. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you, I'll see what I can do, when using the super magic potions, I'll have it drink when magic level is spell level + 1 if your magic level is below the spell level.
  11. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Cheers, let me know
  12. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Only issue I have with this is that the GUI is already quite full of options. he alternative is to use overload potions as they boosts magic too and the boosted level won't drop for the full 5minutes allowing this to happen
  13. Hoping to be very soon, or atleast ina. Closed beta testing stage
  14. Must say, I do love the GUI, spent far too much time on it
  15. Update pushed to fix hotkeys when not set and also the initial dialog for new accounts to barrows
  16. A new stable build of the client is being worked on, try out the Dev build Pat has just posted - this should sort it out
  17. ** and a stable internet connection, lag spikes can lead to deaths! ** Ectophial Requirements: Requires completion of the Ghosts Ahoy quest. You must pay 1,000,000gp to Andras to unlock free travel via his boat. Drakan's Medallion Requirements: Completion of the Sins of the Father quest. You must stock pile a handful of teleports from Kael Forshaw to be used for death walking Teleport to House Requirements: Either Mounted Glory or Jewellery Box (of any Level) Ideally, an Ornate rejuvenation pool for restoring stats. Requirements: Just to have Rings of Dueling in the bank The script will restore stats using either the Pool or Portal Prayer Restoration Parasite Cure Combat Potion Never miss a click again by bypassing mouse interactions! ** Please note, this will not work with mirror mode, only stealth ** Receive real time notifications from FruityPhosani through Discord notifications. You also have the ability to enter your own Discord webhook URL for your own private view. MORE INFORMATION.... SOON™
  18. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thanks, ill see if i can sus it
  19. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    this using stealth or mirror?
  20. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Join my discord, my bot has a trial command
  21. Your best bet is to cancel the recurring payment on PayPal https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/autopay/
  22. An update has been pushed to fix the dialog when entering the tomb, look for 1.7.6
  23. Appreciate the kind words! I do have a Phosani nightmare on the edge or release and also a Gauntlet script that isnt too far behind Join my discord or drop me a message if you want to beta test phosani when its on the SDN
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