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About Onaho

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  1. I've always been wondering how people run large scale bot farms in more computer resource demanding games? Do they just use a lot of PCs?
  2. I had a pretty nice farm going before I quit OSRS/took a break. I had a two-part bot operation going; one bot farm allowed for the 2nd bot farm to exist). This helped me avoid bans because my farm was unique. I've moved on from OSRS to botting other games though because the amount of work involved in upkeep of the botfarm was too demanding. Maybe if I lived in Venezuela or something. At the moment, I'm working toward building a "company" if you could call it that geared toward botting/farming. I've found Korean MMORPGs to be the most profitable because P2W is ingrained and they don't pay for anti-bot/cheat systems or Game Moderation staff.
  3. Instead of 1 month of VIP, I'd like one girlfriend please. Thank you.
  4. One time, Andrew Gower called my school principle because they caught me botting and I got a 7 day school suspension. Then, because I got suspended, my parents grounded me for a month. Not only did my main get banned, lost internet and xbox privileges for a whole month.
  5. First few months are extremely rough w/ bans. I think before anyone starts botting they should set clear goals of what they want to get out of botting. If you want to level your main, don't bot at all-just hire a service to train your account for you if you insist on not playing. If you want to make money, expect to be banned a lot. In biology there is a thing called r/K selection, I use this theory for my farm. I use hundreds of accounts using low requirement methods, so that when one or a few get banned it's not a big deal. Just because a script is paid, doesn't mean it's not detected/detectable, tons of people use the paid public scripts too, which improves Jagex detection.
  6. Onaho

    Ban Date

    Did 1-60 agility suicide on a brand new UIM 1-2 weeks ago using free scripts for the lulz. Still no ban.
  7. Thanks, you've been a lot of help. I imagine the 8gb would run 6-7 mirror modes just fine, based off my laptop's specs. Unsure how many a 16gb could run, maybe 10-14, since I've never had a PC with that much RAM before. But yeah, was looking at the 32gb ones for about $300 and it makes more sense to buy one of these than to rent a VPS with comparable specs, especially for long term botting.
  8. 10-20 using stealth injection I presume?
  9. Well, you lasted 4 months doing agility, that's pretty good.
  10. I play 16 hours a day. Must be why Jagex isn't banning me. They just know I'm a big sweaty nerd.
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