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Everything posted by botimusprime

  1. When I run this script without a que, it does not seem to exit after the last function. The paint goes away but the play button and script stay on. Is there a setting that will fully exit after the last task?
  2. ill do this for now but it would be good to be able to specify items like starts with "ring of dueling(" not too important for ring of dueling as they are cheap but other items really need it (ring of wealth ect).
  3. purchased it because your scripts are always very good. -How does this handle items with a number after them like ring of dueling(x), lets say i just want it to remove one and dont care about how many charges it has
  4. Trial please. looks baller
  5. Break handler option on this doesnt seem to function, nice script tho
  6. ill keep a look out next time, it was on mirror and happened a few times but not 100%
  7. Bot gets stuck while attempting to finish tut isle wizard convo after casting air strike on chicken.
  8. Feature request: -view and edit break timers via the gui Reason: Scripts from expansion are only editable via gui, this would allow full control over customizing them. Thanks!
  9. It was the sound issue, had no audio device, still happens on my server but I have a VM set up now with a mock sound device that has been running well for 3 days.
  10. This sounds a lot like my issue, does turning the sound to mute in RS setting fix this issue? If not was a windows solution found to kill the sound output?
  11. Hey I am having the same issue with stealth NMZ as you did, were you able to find a solution?

  12. @Token So I worked more today to try and figure this bug out, went from a win7 to win 10 machine and am still having the same issues. This machine did not run out of ram, it has over 100gb memory and a strong CPU. I ran 2 stealth NMZ and 1 other script in mirror overnight. The other script (script factory script) is still running and the OSRS client is still active. The NMZ accounts have the same issue as before, ran for a few hours then the OSRS client crashes. Memory use is not over the top on them, as you can see from the screen shot. Any help with setting this up correctly? I have used stealth NMZ for days on end before but I cannot run it overnight at this point even with overkill hardware. As you can see from the cpu and ram monitor, the stealth NMZ instances are not eating up a huge chunk, the top useage is the other script that is still running, and the frozen two clients are below it. The osbot mirror client for each has a frozen picture of the last game image before crash and it is still active, timers and XP are still counting, and it is trying to prayer flick like NMZ is up and working, can be stopped/restarted and menus can be brought up but since osrs is down this does no do anything. Any help please! I dont want to look for another NMZ script as this has been the best around. Included are screens showing all the data above and my settings for the stealth NMZ.
  13. GUI is broken for me similar to user christian a page back. Most tabs are black until i hover over it, sorta usable but also difficult to use. Also the bug with food withdraw that I reported still exists - If you run out of food it will loop forever trying to remove remaining food at bank, not get enough, deposit it back and loop. I got one account banned that way so have to be very careful with food amounts. Would be nice to see a check for it in the script.
  14. So I have been successful getting the list to print, but I am running into some issues. A lot of the quests that are on my members accounts have been done already, so I cant ask the script to try and get their item lists. I also cant do it on the ironman since it wont even open the GE. My option now is to start a new members acc and write down the reqs for each quest. If there is another way around this (like printing the items after the quest is done) that would help iron man out a lot, as a lot of these quests are doable as iron man, but you just need to gather the materials beforehand. I also tried this in non members with a new account, but it will only attempt to buy the non members items for members quests.
  15. @Token any way to know what items the bot will try to buy from the GE without the logger? Sometimes it doesnt print the whole list. Using this as an iron man and you can do most of the quests by banking what the bot needs before hand if you cant buy it from the GE. A list would be awsome but id be ok getting it from the bot somehow. -Thanks
  16. @Patrick Yep, breaks 100% broken now. Nothing in the logger. Set it for 2-5 mins as well as 20-40. No breaks on either as well as no printing to logger. This needs to be fixed ASAP, it basically broke osbot for any script without internal breaking. The last issue had us logging in and out on every script start for a month but at least it was usable after. This is not usable, please dont let this one go on for long. Many scripts have no internal breaking and depend on this break manager. The improvements to the break handler are nice in theory, but dont force us to use it in production when the old break handler worked fine...
  17. @Patrick Break manager is still logging out and back in any time a script with break settings is started. I asked previously about this and we were told that it was incorrect break settings. I asked for some documentation about the new breaking system as it is not clear what we are doing wrong ( many people having this issue). This is my current break settings: also I have asked several times, has the option to stop botting after break been removed completely?
  18. one of my accounts on mirror client has already completed client of correand, but it does not get crossed out when the quest set loads. Noticed this when I tried follow up, depths of despair which requires that and doest start because it thinks it has not done the first quest. Have restarted osbot a few times.
  19. this issue appears intermittent, but i have hit it quite a few times. I sent a screen grab of the error on start up to your discord, main error that crashes the gui says "Inventory container is null"
  20. Im getting the log out and back in on start for break manager as well. If this is an issue with the break profile could you please give us some documentation on how to set it up correctly? Also is the option for stopping after a break now gone from osbot?
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