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    Discord Virgaze#1579

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  1. Hey guys, getting rid of my rs3 account, has TONS of skilling outfits, bonus exp items, fire cape, 17 year old account. GOTE, amulet of souls, blood fury and more ! access to priff overloads ss and turmoil chaotic with charming imp. message on disc VirGaze1597
  2. Got a half decent rs3 account with a bunch of 99s, slayer, farming, all combat. Ss turmoil overloads etc. hit me up!
  3. Hey, I seen your request and went to accept it, and couldn’t find you lol. If you still need, message me
  4. blazin

    SotE accounts

    Hey, if interested I can offer “From scratch” services, you provide the account. Price 110$ Each TimeFrame 15-20 days VirGaze#1597
  5. Hey! Depending on the exact stats you want, would be 115-150$ or OSRS on the lower end, you’d have Melee 70s, and thieving around Level 30, the higher priced will have higher thieving
  6. Hey, I’m assuming you’re just looking for a few accounts with 65+ magic? Could make ya from scratch, for 2.50 each, or 5m osrs ea discord VirGaze#1597
  7. Mining 65-70. 288k xp Mlm 100 / 50 gp 28.8m/ 14.4m Iron ore 110 gp 31.6m Woodcutting 63-70 370k xp Teaks 45 gp 16.65m Farming 60-70 463k xp Tillthe farm 55 gp 25.4m
  8. Hey, I can make these from scratch for about 80m each
  9. Aye, depending on how high of ranged and mage, about $30-40 ea.
  10. blazin

    20-80 Hunter

    Hey, I can do this for about 85$ or osrs equivalent. Discord Virgaze#1579
  11. Hey I would be willing to do this for 70$ or 205m osrs. Shoot me a message Virgaze#1597
  12. Which role are you applying for? : quester power leveler questing and minigames Which contract are you using? : either, but perfer account shop What is your experience like? : Tons of questing and power leveling, I've played runescape 17 years Where do you live? : east coast usa Forms of contact? (Skype/Discord) : discord Virgaze#1597 How often do you play? : every day Do you agree to my terms? : yes Do you have any questions? : no
  13. I could do this for 130m or so
  14. HEY can i please get a trials
  15. 12m for all including picking up marks
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