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Everything posted by Space

  1. I believe that @Czarwas working on something like this, I think he had it implemented for normal accounts and was going to implement something for IM/HCIM as well, whether he got around to doing it or not I’m not sure.
  2. The whole point of user feedback on profiles is for feedback. Posting topics like this in the wrong section is pointless and clutters the forums more. In future leave feedback in the appropriate place being the users profile.
  3. Space

    Jad Pet Hunting:

    @FratemIs who I've used for many firecapes on my pure. Well priced and possibly even cheaper since you're wanting bulk, don't quote me on that though
  4. It is in the works and I believe it’s working for most users. I would recommend putting a detailed report in this section: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/316-bug-reports/
  5. Bring the dimensions in as if you're resizing it yourself. like you would with chrome or any other application
  6. OR buy membership pins.. however they're not permitted to be bought or sold on osbot
  7. Sounds like your blowpipe ran out of charges and the automatic attack style when it was unequipped was defence. I have a 1 defence pure which I’ve used fruit nmz for all my combat 99s so far and have never encountered this error even when training magic. Either that or you’ve accidentally selected an option you shouldn’t have or you haven’t loaded your gear correctly
  8. @Malmo Has been banned. He clearly doesn't wish to explain himself and see's this as a joke. If he wishes to return he needs to reimburse the user @Tka619 543m. Sorry for your loss.
  9. @Malmo You have 24 hours to respond & explain. User has been placed in DNT/TWC Can you also provide the discord UID & Discord Username for the discord account you've traded with. See here for more information: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/162999-discord-verification-thread/?tab=comments#comment-2232610
  10. You’ll never be allowed back in the discord till you admit that this account is the most superior pure you’ve ever seen
  11. You're entitle to your opinion however, these are the stats I've managed to gain through using mirror mode for my pure. It's all down to how you play and if the scripts are at fault, the script writers would be more than happy to assist you if they're failing when they shouldn't be. You can do this by sending them the logger report and also detailing any problems you've encountered. See the screenshot for the progress I've managed to make so far: https://gyazo.com/4dc4ea8d2a54f6493925310f49a7f1e7
  12. Banned due to mass off-site scams & ban evading
  13. There is a problem with the servers for the client and download function currently. It’ll be sorted as soon as possible.
  14. It appears that the issues seemed to be resolved as of 8/1/2021 however are still occuring. I would recommend everyone to wait for further comfirmation about the issue rather than creating unnecessary threads. Especially if you're in the discord channel, most of you would have already seen we're awaiting an update for this matter.
  15. Space

    need firecape

    @FratemRunescape Services got me 2. Fair priced and reliable
  16. I assume you've also pressed the refresh button and searched for the file?
  17. Have you exported it as a .jar file and saved it to C:\Users\YOUR NAME\OSBot\Scripts"
  18. I'm not sure because if it can't break due to being in combat then to me the script would continue because the break handler isn't able to activate. I'm not a scripter so I would need someone to verify if this is the case but I've experienced this in the past with a wintertotd script that used osbots break handler and it couldn't break because the player was taking damage from the WT
  19. Is this because you're in combat as it wont be able to break if you are. does the script not have it's own break handler to use?
  20. Have you joined the discord server? We will be able to help you better and faster over there
  21. You can enable breaks by clicking the timer icon on the osbot client on the right hand side, clicking "enable breaks">"Add" and creating your custom runtime, randomness and break length from there. Some scripts do have their own break handlers built into them as well, if this is the case, the script should override the osbot break handler.
  22. @Dbuffed is selling what you're looking for
  23. Completed a design for me, nice guy, fast & patient, Thanks
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