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  1. Been running this for awhile and have to say that this bot is a beast, have gone to 99 on 2 accounts and at mid 80s on another. Works flawlessly highly recommended
  2. Oh hell yea was really wanting a tithe script could I get a trial please?
  3. So what is the big differences between this and your pro version of it? Going to purchase this one anyways to try my hand at scripts but was just wondering
  4. mike3zx

    Stealth Quester

    For sure, you can give it a try yourself. Set up 2 accounts doing the same thing one with mirror mode and the other stealth injection and the stealth injection will be banned faster. Jagex has gotten pretty good at detecting it at this point, mirror mode isnt fool proof but you can bot with it and never get caught if you dont bot long hours, dont use free scripts and dont bot in heavily botted areas. Theres alot that goes into botting if youre looking to keep the account around for any amount of time.
  5. mike3zx

    Stealth Quester

    If youre using stealth injection I'm almost certain thats the reason, I've used this same script to quest for 20-30 accounts and none have had an issue with bans from it
  6. I’ve bought just about every script you’ve put out so might as well add to it lol
  7. Yeah I just dont have glories on my ironman yet and have a ton of Ring of Dueling already lol
  8. Is this able to make giant seaweed into soda ash? Nvm looked through the questions some more and found my answer, looks like im buying another Khal script
  9. I’m not sure if it’s been suggested but would it be possible to add the Ring of Dueling teleport to the ferox to use the bank there? The portal is 3 tiles south of the bank chest so you could walk in to refill your run then out the ferox and south to the mage. Would love to see this added
  10. I don’t see it being a problem at all once you get to the upper level since the veins stay for a set time instead of the 33% chance every ore like the bottom one, I suppose I could select my own veins to mine from within the area I’d like to go and hopefully it’s far enough away to avoid other players
  11. Script works great but the only thing that worries me is when I select avoid other players it doesn’t always stay away from them even if I select places that’s out of the way, sometimes the players don’t care if the bot is mining right beside them others seem to get pissed and report lol
  12. Depending on where you bot could be a factor. In my personal experience Seers Village has a pretty high ban rate, Canifis was around the same but didnt get caught near as often as I did at Seers. Also check your break times, normally people arent clicking for hours on end doing agility like they do wc
  13. Not sure if its been suggested but could you add the option to use xerics talisman to glade to bank and tele to xerics glade then use shortcut to druids? The script runs great but my iron doesnt have access to skills necklaces. Thanks
  14. This looks awesome, can i get an auth plz?
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