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hidden arrow

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Everything posted by hidden arrow

  1. Hey I would like a trial please
  2. No worries i'm at work right now I was actually checking right now if you replied ill test it out when I get home! thank you
  3. May I have a trail sir will probably end up buying
  4. camp it at sand crabs with bone c bow 45k xp hr thats how I got my acc 90 range
  5. I can do it for 40m + super sets and food supplied by you Discord - TankRangerz#2302
  6. Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit):Yes What tasks are you willing to do: Hunter/Nmz What is your skype: Don't use skype talking to you on discord How long a day you can be online to do services: 5 ish hours a day Have you done other services before: No but doesn't seem like a difficult task when you train skills you enjoy training.
  7. Training combat stats also hunter is my favorite stat Leave below what you need training your current level and your desired level also pm me your discord name.
  8. It’s called a price check section for a reason. Don’t post irrelevant information just to build your post count bud. Sad to see you have nothing better to do.
  9. Account will always get tbed. That is why you're supposed to camp next to the pillar like an intelligent person.
  10. Looking to see if this account is worth selling. Can make 2m an hour most pures don't have the hop also 70 hunter as a bonus Ava/ Salve ammy imbued (i)
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