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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. Deffiliate

    Messin around

    Learn how to model shit in c4d, would be a great skill to have.
  2. not gonna' do it to prove a point to you lmao. I donated because I like this fuckign community, and i've enjoyed the time (And money) i've made here. I'm not dis-associating myself, i'm saying the only people that are really effected are the people that have $100 donor and feel like $250 or $500 would make their rank less prestigous. I do think PiP's for dononrs are cool. These people are directly support OSB and they should be able to show-off/be proud of it.
  3. TBH I say the only people who should have a say in the matter are $100 donors, and I beleive the majority of us would support More donor ranks for supporting OSBot. However, tbh I would love to see some cooler looking custom deigned Pip's for donors.
  4. Nah man just mark it solved. Glad to help, and hope you learned a few things. I'm not on too much but i try to help when i can. May the force be with you young padawan
  5. uhmm simplest option would be to change "this" to null.
  6. /no problem. remove the URL and Image here: http://puu.sh/85795.png, you've already got it declared about.
  7. You can declare an instance variable anywhere after this: public class MyScript extends Script {
  8. Because you haven't done this... You need to import Image and URL... import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.net.URL;
  9. "this" refers to your instance of your class. It means your main class will watch over the image. Don't change it just keep it as "this". Also, make sure you add those changes I made to my post.
  10. Welp it's pretty simple acutally. All you need is an Image, which you get from a URL. You need to create 2 instance variables: Image paintImg; URL paintUrl; then in your onStart do the following: try { paintUrl = new URL("yourPaint.com"); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { log("Problem loading URL."); e1.printStackTrace(); } try { paintImg = ImageIO.read(paintUrl); } catch (IOException e1) { log("Problem loading image from URL."); e1.printStackTrace(); } Finally, paint it in your onPaint(). g.drawImage(paintImg, x, y, width,height,this);
  11. it's the logo for my Aio dragon killer king of the Dragons.
  12. Hell ya, alot of hype for the paint work , He was great to work with, and let me add in a lot of ideas that I had in mind. I have a bit more of the artwork ready : but we still need to design the rest of the paint UI ( The loot UI and combat UI)
  13. Your signature is VERY good, idk why but the text looks amazing w/ that animation
  14. What do you guys think of my new logo designed by Christian? I love it, incorporates all the design elements I asked for and looks great. Looks like the logo of a Badass, dragon slaying phoenix king. BTW, the hemlet worn by the skull i nthe logo is from He was great to work with, and let me add in a lot of ideas that I had in mind. I have a bit more of the artwork ready : Edit: Implemented the image into my script. Gonna' go back and egit the paint just a bit, and then move onto the Combat and Loot logger UI Gfx. but we still need to design the rest of the paint UI ( The loot UI and combat UI) Here's a link to his profile, He'sopen for business -s> Chris Bigham
  15. i hate when ppl say this if i wanted google's opinion i would've asked him ... Edit: Besides, I feel like you have a hate for porn. True or no?
  16. Hey. Just edited the OP with more info on what I'd like. If anyone wants to message me with ideas or feel like you can do a good job on this post or PM.
  17. Hey. Just edited the OP with more info on what I'd like. If anyone wants to message me with ideas or feel like you can do a good job on this post or PM.
  18. Anyone got the link to some sexy tumblr blogs? My girlfriend has a tumblr and has a pr0n blog on there and it's the Jazzzz.
  19. Great thread dude, I bet Jagex is gonna' ban-hammer us on the spot as soon as we hit play. WTF Are you talkign about? They've been fuckign us up for the past few months now tbh. I mean we've found ways around them and snuck aroudn their backs but they know how to catch us and this last month (Especially 2 weeks) have been especially harsh on bans.I'm running 1 account on a fresh IP playign it legit alto and usign misccellanious good scripts and still getting temp banned within 1-2 days of botting. Until OSbot starts taking Jagex's detection systems more seriously and coming up with a way to combat them we shouldn't be acting like JaGex isn't winning. Here's my questions: - What are we doing about these bans? - Are our customers (VIP's, script purchasers) Happy with the life-span of their accounts? We just need to make this a priority within our community and focus on fixing it. MAybe even make a section under community or programming.
  20. I hate TrustMyBet, he's the same guy that started doing a service for someone, only completed like %10 of it, then terminated the service and kept the payment just because the guy logged in one day to check the progress on his account.
  21. I got a 2-day ban so it's fun-time for now
  22. Hey, looking for a few good zombie players that know how to grief. I'm more of an offensive player in grief (AKA I try to get the enemy team down). We will need 1 or 2 "safe" players on the team.
  23. May the force be with you!
  24. I know what you're saying. If you put it o nthe onStart() and the person starts logged out it will f up ur xp tracking. However the best way is to just use the expTracker class in OSb's api.
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