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Everything posted by WhoseThisGuy

  1. Paying with 07gold or zelle. Need lvl 3 accounts fresh. preferably done with tutorial island and created in usa ip addresses.
  2. I tried to obtain a trial for this script in Discord but it wont work. I read all the pinned messages and FAQ's !trial UltimateSlayer https://osbot.org/forum/profile/330881-whosethisguy/ This is what I have been putting and it just wont work. Can you please grant me a trial manually? Thanks.
  3. Incredibly impressed with this script. Beautiful, beautiful GUI, settings, the ability to save specific settings and the XP/Loot trackers are great. The only issue I have come across is sometimes the bot cannot go through the doors smoothly and can;t click on the bruma roots to chop successfully sometimes. Other than that, absolutely perfect. 10//10 recommend
  4. How do I add the proxy to the osbot client? and can i do it without vip?
  5. If I buy VIP can I use a proxy for each account I'm running scripts on or how do I do that without VIP? Thanks
  6. i know how to get proxies im confused but 2. I dont even know how to add a proxy to one client.
  7. How do I run multiple bots at once and have each bot running at the same time with different proxies? So I don't get IP Banned. I know I am a noob, please help, thanks.
  8. Buying $24.83 of OSRS Gold. Zelle, cashapp or debit card only. Let know, thanks eggsftw1#3373
  9. Need a FaceBook account that's at least a year old. Can be from anywhere. age, gender etc. Just a year old or more is the requirement. Paying OSRS, PayPal, or zelle. Let me know, thanks
  10. no offences. ill check if its not here ill upload.
  11. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://imgur.com/gallery/UwpcYhR 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://imgur.com/gallery/UwpcYhR 3. Pictures of the quests completed https://imgur.com/gallery/UwpcYhR 4. The price you will be starting bids at 10m or $10 usd 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 50m or $50 6. The methods of payment you are accepting PayPal, OSRS Gold, BTC 7. Your trading conditions You go first or Middleman 8. Pictures of the account status https://imgur.com/gallery/UwpcYhR 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the original owner of the email address, account and everything is hand done by me. Only used my home ip. Feel free to ask any questions
  12. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://imgur.com/gallery/hqWJXUC 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://imgur.com/gallery/hqWJXUC 3. Pictures of the quests completed https://imgur.com/gallery/hqWJXUC 4. The price you will be starting bids at $15 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 140 USD 6. The methods of payment you are accepting PayPal, BTC, OSRS Gold 7. Your trading conditions Middleman or you go first. 8. Pictures of the account status https://imgur.com/gallery/hqWJXUC 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Linked to my personal email. Bought the account more than 2 years ago so the login email is not the same. All hand done by me personally. Can provide more information and pictures, all the non-tradeables etc. Over 1400 days old. Let me know! Thanks.
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