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  1. Complete can close this thread
  2. 99 all stats possibly bowfa or arma cb , if u dont have feedback dont bother commenting. osrs gp or paypal.
  3. Before it gets too crazy 95% of wealth will be transferred off due to it being a group ironman so scammers dont waste your time. Stats are: 86HP 90 DEF 78 RANGED 81 MAGE 70 PRAYER GEAR: Either full void mage/range. OR Karils top/bottom with Ahrims top/bottom Neitiznot and Barrows gloves Weapon Slot: Regular Trident/Rune Crossbow Ammo: Diamond Bolts Boots: Dhide boots/Holy Sandals. Ring: Ring of Suffering Imbued. Amulet: Glory Cape: Accumalator/Mage Arena 1 Cape How to get there atm: Ardy cloak to Fairy ring with 76 agility hop without boost. (working on getting fairy ring in poh house has an intermediate pool atm) Looking for bulk kills will pay for uniques at 5x value. IE Onyx is 2m GE value ill pay 10m or paypal equivalent. Pet is 30m Mutagen is 30m. Jar is better luck next time. LMK any questions will be pushing to 80 Con this week to make the route TELE to POH and Fairy ring to spot. Not into scammers or idiots i usually only use extremely trusted members for 1000s of dollars of services. Discord: Rob1994#0248 with your price , time frames and method of payment osgp or paypal.
  4. Looking to buy some bulk zulrah kills let me know price per 10 50 and 100 kills and time frame required. Priority given to trusted and length it will take for service. Scammers no need to bother as its a group ironman ill be transferring off useful wealth that isnt required for service. 94 Mage / 86 Range / 70 Prayer /80 Def / 87 HP. Super Antipots(or cure me) Prayer pots , Monkfish, Recoils, Range Pots. 3m/onyx 6.5m/serp 6.5m tanz fang 6.5m magic fang 25m for pet 25m for mutagen Has rune pouch , regular void , ibans staff, fury, rune crossbow, ruby/diamond bolts, access to vengeance/cureme if wanted. If your a legend i could be interested in 50-200 vorkath kills too with better incentives.
  5. RobertOsb


    Looking for someone who maybe runs a bot farm that could give me a win an some points not sure of the rates but im assuming somewhere between 500k-1m a point which i am okay with. Looking for between 75-300 points.
  6. Started gathering points made it to 100 and realized how awful PC is. 1150 to go. 84 Combat HCIM. Decent gear , d scim , no bank access. Trusted preferred.
  7. Rob1994#0248 add me on discord
  8. Looking for someone to get me 1-50 Firemaking cutting the logs themselves so would get roughly 44 WC. Want done asap.
  9. Looking for 82-99 FM hand done. HCIM has 10 hp but can get to 17 19 or 25 depending on your preferences. You obviously cant die as it defeats the account and i dont want someone who gets 500 pts and afks i want som effort put in lol. Fletching is required. 82-99 or 500 Crates. Price and timeframes pls.
  10. 80m reFunded thanks everyone for their time.
  11. Hey im just mobile right now. I will be at a computer in a few hours i got nothing against the guy am open to resolve with gp or the job. Ill check my discord and look for a resolution. Im in pst -8 timezone if possible a mod could hold the gp or so on so fourth.
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