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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. I didn't get anything in my script list you sure?
  2. Hello! I am loving the script however my bot is webwalking to every destination even if I have runes for teleports and have teleports enabled on "RUNES". Is there any particular reason for this?
  3. Script has been working really good with the brutal blacks. Looking forward to earn some gp ?
  4. zaappe

    Molly's Thiever

    Is it possible to blackjack Bandits with this script, ill buy it if so.
  5. Service Form Stats : Quest : Underrground pass and Regicide Minigames : Skype: sam7574
  6. I have this message and it's just frozen at that message with the new update 2.3.92, I don't know what to do any solutions? Thanks
  7. Tbh I really didn't care about gear but I had rangers tunics, robin hat black d'hide legs, blowpipe is for sure the item that will change ur xp/h fast, I got around 85k p/h with that gear and adamant darts.
  8. I can say I got 56-99 range in 1 week with this script, botted almost 24/7.
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