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Everything posted by Naked

  1. Why, whats wrong with doing that? /s No.
  2. Mine. Was there information released to scripters that wasn't in this post regarding adapting to 2.5.29?
  3. Just a few issues i've noticed running a script that worked flawlessly in 2.5.28: - Closing windows (ex. Equipment screen) - Changing tabs - Interacting with NPCs (Ex. Trading a shop keeper) - Selling items to shop keeper. All in fixed mode. All working fine on official build.
  4. Client not loading for me (launching from cli). Stuck at the "Welcome to OSBot!" screen. Also, Account Selector freezing when trying to manually fix.
  5. Launch -> set fixed -> System.exit(0) -> Relaunch
  6. SDN scripts can't be geared for gold farming
  7. 2.1 Would imply otherwise.
  8. TL;DR Not against any rules.
  9. Naked

    Name change

    https://osbot.org/forum/profile/77153-malcolm/ Probably need to be VIP+ for them to even consider it
  10. ...should we get a room or....? I'd trust him with my babies.
  11. The general rule is to not bot on an account you don't mind losing. A 2-day is basically a slap on the wrist. If you don't mind losing the account, bot it. If you do mind, don't bot it.
  12. Waterson Volkov OSP Ferguson Khabib McGregor
  13. I know, right? Release .jar pls. I may need to make improvements...shameless plug to my antiban
  14. Naked

    Naked AntiBan

    Yes and no. It does check your wc xp until you stop it. But if anyone needs a basic mule script, it is also sufficient. I added this so the post wouldn't get removed.
  15. Naked

    Naked AntiBan

    Updated it, threw some muling code in there for shits and giggles (didn't want post to get removed for being so useless too good).
  16. Naked

    Naked AntiBan

    BUT DID YOU GET BANNED? I must have submitted the wrong jar, will upload the right one when I get home
  17. Naked

    Naked AntiBan

    What is the biggest problem in botting? BANS INTRODUCING Naked AntiBan Paint skills op NOW SUPPORTS MULING! - Accepts all trade requests - Checks those sweet sweet wc xp gainz - Random tab switching to prevent logout - ...that's it. That's all it does No longer will you face constant bans. Try it for yourself. JAR FILE *Proggies coming soon* Use at your own risk
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