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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. My only thing about that is that it happened like what, 15+ years ago? But why did prntscrn just stop working randomly?
  2. I realized you mentioned fees, but I find it hard to believe that you can't find a free MM.
  3. Yeah, the GE can be brutal sometimes... And alright.
  4. I mean, I can buy you some from the ge if you want. I have a handful of accounts. unless you want them all at once then never mind, though.
  5. Low rep shouldn’t affect the sale of GP at all since there’s literally no risk involved to the buyer if a MM is used.
  6. Aren't you the guy that spent 200m on RS services...then went to spend more and stuff?
  7. Ok so what happened? I didn't ask what day it was... No? ?
  8. I don't know how to embed images with this stupid screenshot thing. https://prnt.sc/jakb9h
  9. This happens every Thursday as that's when Jagex updates RS..
  10. I realize that but if you're online it's one click to go into the chatbox. It's not like it's a process or cost money or anything... It may be good but having to add a chat system like that is pretty unnecessary when there's literally a link to a free chatbox everyone has access to and you can do everything the OP has suggested already in the chatbox. If this was a new suggestion then that would be a different story. But the fact that OP's suggestion is literally already implemented and all you have to do is move your mouse and click a button is kind of making this pointless.
  11. You're messing with my feels, bro. You don't mess with a guys feels. You tell me my dad is dying by the doc. Then you say he's ok. Then you say he's dead. wtf man wtf
  12. pm me your RSNs if you guys want to play and stuff.
  13. Why not? It's there and it's quicker than regular PM's. On top of the fact that they can't claim that you spoke with an imposter, it's pretty safe in my opinion.
  14. Then why not just go and use the chatbox..? Edit: It also won't get rid of scams. People paying attention to what's going on and using a MM would help get rid of scams. You say you like the way PM's work in the chatbox and want it on the forums but why not just go into the chatbox and talk to people through there since that's already an existing option? A lot of people do.
  15. I just bought one yesterday. But I'll take one.
  16. I've been in my clan chat chatting with two other guys from here...
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