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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Why are you farming notifications?
  2. Some supplies would be helpful.
  3. I do this on my spare time. Besides, I have irl stuff I need to do also. I do this on my spare time. Besides, I have irl stuff I need to do also.
  4. Did you try forgot password? Otherwise PM a supermod or admin.
  5. Well, since the site is getting older and there are more members, increasing it a bit won't hurt. But I doubt it'll happen.
  6. But you did have it in the past. Why didn't you complain about having it then? Why do you have to advertise your scripting rank? Why can't you just make scripts without wanting a rank?
  7. WHO BOTTED? You should've expected it, tbh.
  8. Hater's gon hate Potatoes gon potate Alligators gon alligate
  9. Lol'ing at that pic in your sig. ;)

  10. lol'd at the people helping out the phisher. I sold more like 600-1k bonds or so and it's been two months. I made like 150m profit You're so off, lol.
  11. I made about 150m 07 total. Probably a bit more.
  12. RoomScape

    Messin around

    Ooh. Looks decent for your first time.
  13. I already talked to him about that and he said it shouldn't be a problem. He made them so that I can add links to it - at least, I hope so.
  14. I know what it means, I'm wondering why he said that... Unless he's planning on haram stuff.
  15. Everyone was going crazy craving more donor ranks a month or so ago, now everyone is against it? Wtf happened in that short time frame? Am I missing something?
  16. I think you could've a while back, but not anymore. There are recovery questions, then there's JAG. JAG is a lot more secure and efficient. Once it's set, it can't be changed (except under special circumstances). JAG can only be enabled and disabled. If you buy an account that has had JAG on it at all for any period of time or for any reason, you will need the answers to the questions. There is a very small probability that you - the buyer of the account - can have the JAG questions deleted. Hope that answers it, lol.
  17. Looks nice. If no one has anything else that's better, I'll definitely go with this. Just I'd like it to be transparent. :p Can't that be done?
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